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Aloha! Welcome to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands! This site is a collaborative effort of many agencies and organizations working together to malama (care for) this special place and bring it to you.

A Teacher's Guide to Navigating Change is available for download. Click here!

Current Expedition:
International Year of the Reef/Our Sea of Islands Education Expedition to

Click here to read the expedition Blog.

IYOR 2008
Educators learn from Waikalua Loko Fishpond with Herb Lee

On July 13th the NOAA Ship Hi'ialakai departed Honolulu on an 11 day expedition to the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument to celebrate International Year of the Reef. Educators from across Oceania are participating in the voyage, as well as cultural practiotioners from Hawai'i, cultural archaeologists, and scientists who study the deep sea.

Nihoa simulation
Simulating the steep uneven terran found on Nihoa at Makapu'u lighthouse trail to the tidepools.

Through this learning experience we hope to share knowledge on how marine conservation works, what is successful and what is not, and we will use Papahānaumokuākea as an example for what to strive for, the high bar for Hawaiian conservaton. Participants have come from Palau, Marshall Islands, Kiribas, Cook Islands, Fiji, Australia, American Samoa, and thee participants from Hawai'i.

Click here to read the expedition Blog.

Click here to see where the Hi'ialakai is now.
Click here to see current data from the ship.

Previous Events:

August/September 2007 Research Expedition

July 2007 Research Expedition

Census of Marine Life 2006

NWHI Benthic Habitat Mapping, Maritime Archaeology, and Education Expedition, June-July 2006

NWHI Ecosystem Connectivity, Apex Predator Movement, and Coral Health Assessment Expedition, May-June 2006

NWHI 2005 Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program (RAMP)

NWHI 2005 Education Expedition

NWHI Maritime Archaeology, Ecosystem Connectivity, Mapping and Coral Disease Expedition 2005

NWHI RAMP Ecological Assessment and Monitoring Expedition 2004

Video from MokumanamanaNOWRAMP 2002 Research Expedition

See the journals and feature stories or watch the great videos developed in collaboration with Bishop Museum and NASA!


Navigating Change, Northwestern Hawaiian IslandsHokule`a.

The final Navigating Change Teacher's Guide is available for download. Click here!

The goal of Navigating Change is to motivate, encourage and challenge people to take action to improve the environmental conditions in their own backyards, especially as it pertains to our coral reef ecosystems. We want people to take responsibility for the stewardship and sustainability of our islands and our ocean. We are targeting our message to the youth of Hawai`i because the future is in their hands. Classroom videos, teacher curriculum and more are available. To learn more about Navigating Change click here. View the Navigating Change Modules online! Click here.

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You can use the link to ask a question about the topic of the page you are reading, and our reply will appear on the same page. So, start browsing to learn more about the NWHI!

Latest news

Recent Features from the COML Expedition to French Frigate Shoals

Ask a Scientist! Your questions answered!

Anemone Crabs

Ascidians (Sea squirts)

New Species


Sea slugs

True Crabs

Things you can do

See our Activities page!

Lesson and Unit Plans

Navigating Change

Marine Debris

Seafloor Profiling

Grasshopper science

See also the Resources page!

Features from Previous Expeditions

Mapping an Unnamed Seamount

Brooks Bank Mapping

Brooks Bank

NWHI Flora and Fauna Encyclopedia

A Trophic Detective Story

Laysan Ducks Make New Home on Midway

(from 2002)

Randall Kosaki, Ph.D., NOWRAMP PI

Nainoa Thompson


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