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The videos are best played with the QuickTime 7 viewer or plugin, which you can get here. The videos are also large in size, so please be patient. If you do not have a fast connection like DSL or Cable it may take several minutes to download.

July 2007 Expedition

Gardner Pinnacles Gardner Pinnacles filmed by Ziggy Livnat

NOW-RAMP 2002 Expedition Video Reports

These videos are all in MPEG-4 format. They are courtesy of Bishop Museum and NASA.

Follow link for video of departure day.Departure, 9/8/02 - Bonnie Kahape'a describes the huge job of loading the R/V RAPTURE (our ship). The video concludes with departure ceremonies. [10.52MB]

Nihoa, 9/9/02 - Bonnie Kahape'a and Alex Webman report on the unique birds and plants of Nihoa, and the threat posed by invading grasshoppers. Hear about how caretakers are restoring native plants. [14.06MB]
Mokumanamana, 9/10/02 - Bonnie Kapahe'a and Nainoa Thompson describe the difficulty of landing on Mokumanamana; Scott Kikiloi interprets evidence of ancestral occupation, and Beth Flint tells us about delicate balance in the the native bird population. [19.56 MB]
Tern Island , 9/11/02 - This island, once a World War II refueling airport in the French Frigate Shoals, is now a nesting ground for over a million sea birds. Some of these birds can fly for 9 months without stopping! [21.46 MB]
Wildlife with Slack Key, 9/12/02 - Sit back, relax, and enjoy a video collage of the diverse and beautiful wildlife we've encountered the last few days, set to slack key guitar. [22.42 MB]
Gardner Pinnacles, 9/14/02 - Visiting Gardner Pinnacles, the last basalt island as one travels northwest up the island chain, the next generation of caretakers of the NWHI find inspiration for their kuleana (responsibility). [21.67 MB]
Ancestral Life on Nihoa, 9/15/02 - We look at evidence of a thriving Polynesian community on Nihoa. Where did they get their water and what did they eat on this small and rocky island? [29.03 MB]
Diving for Invertebrates, 9/16/02 - After the 1923 Tanager expedition, no systematic study of invertebrates was undertaken for 77 years, until the NOW-RAMP 2000 Expedition. Now we're back to discover more unusual invertebrate inhabitants. Dive with the scientists and see what they find! [21.68 MB]
Laysan Island: Is Environmental Restoration Possible?, 9/17/02 - Laysan was devastated by commercial activity starting in the late 1800's. Although we can never restore the endemic Laysan species that are now extinct, Laysan is being restored to a natural state through the efforts of dedicated individuals and agencies and the application of scientific knowledge. [28.97 MB]
Castaway! Pearl and Hermes Atoll, 9/18/02 - Only 6 feet above sea level, the land at Pearl and Hermes Atoll is entirely washed over during heavy storms. Yet, two biologists will camp here alone for 11 days, assessing the bird and plant populations and eradicating invasive species. [22.81 MB]
Navigating Change , 9/20/02 - By bringing together science and culture in one package, we can begin to bridge together people of diverse backgrounds into one common cause to save our island home. This video premiered at the grand opening of the "Navigating Change" exhibit at the Hawai`i Maritime Center, 9/20/02. [32.95 MB]
Midway , 9/23/02 - Midway is one of the most heavily impacted islands in the NWHI. This video summarizes the history of occupation and changing attitudes. [13.81 MB]
Mini-community on Midway, 9/24/02 - Only 20 people live on Midway Island, but form a complete and mutually interdependent community, including a "mall," hospital, fire department, and elementary school where two girls are taught by their mom! [23.74 MB]
Weeding the Wilderness on Kure, 9/25/02 - Why is this man pulling up plants on Kure, the northernmost Hawaiian Island and the northernmost coral atoll in the world? Is he mad? Find out how even daisies can threaten the natural balance. [14.8 MB]
Let's Get Wet!, 9/26/02 - NOW-RAMP researchers are documenting the diversity and abundance of sea life in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands so that we will have the knowledge needed to better manage these islands for future generations. Let's go underwater and see what they are seeing. [21.4 MB]
Weeding Boobie Nests, 9/27/02 - Now the NOW-RAMP team pitches in to weed invasive plants from two acres of Kure Atoll, so that Brown Boobies and other birds may nest. [19.36 MB]
Last Voyage of the Townsend Cromwell, 9/30/02 - The Townsend Cromwell, named after an oceanographer, has been conducting research voyages 250 days a year for the last 39 years. Its present voyage to the NWHI will be its last, as it is scheduled to be decommissioned on October 10th. [19.2 MB]
Shipwrecks!, 10/01/02 - The NOW-RAMP Maritime Archeology researchers have visited over 15 wreck sites in the NWHI, including one of the earlliest shipwrecks in Hawai`i. Not only ships, but also airplanes! See these unusual videos of selected discoveries. [16.54 MB]
Scoping Lisianski Birds, 10/02/02 - The team conducts a bird population survey on Lisianski Island. Baseline data is important for management of refuge wildlife. A "burrow scope" is used to inspect underground nests. [16.68 MB]
The Good Ship R/V RAPTURE, 10/03/02 - This ship, our home for 27 days, was designed to provide educational opportunities for youth at sea. It serves over 6000 students each year. Visit to find out more. [19.29 MB]
Intertidal Zones, 10/07/02 - Visit the intertidal zones at French Frigate Shoals. The intertidal zones of the NWHI hold more biomass than the main Hawaiian islands. [17.81 MB]

Video Library

A collection of related videos of interest.

The final call of the Laysan Honeyeater.  Click here to see other clips from the Tanager Expedition.1923 Tanager Expedition - In 1923 the minesweeper USS Tanager took a scientific expedition to survey the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, and record archaeological, meterological and biological data. Donald R. Dickey was the cinematographer on the voyage and on the following page are a few short video clips from the film of the voyage.


Tow boarding videos.  Click here to see other tow boarding clips. Towboarding - a means of quickly surveying a large and shallow marine area. Divers cover roughly 3 km or 1.8 miles per dive. Digital video cameras are attached to the board, with down facing cameras surveying the bottom type and foreward tilted cameras capturing a broader picture of habitat composition.


Hermit Crab.  Click here to see other video clips.Hawai‘i Undersea Research Laboratory (HURL) - Strange and eerie images from the deep sea. HURL uses special sumbmarines to explore deep sea habitats and the odd creatures that live there.

Talk About It!

How can I get a copy of the video?

Asked by Pomai from Kamehameha Schools on Jul 12, 2006.
Aloha! I was wondering if I could get a copy of the video clip entitled "Wildlife with Slack Key". I am an alaka'i for the 7th grade orientation and I wanted to use a portion of the video for the welcome video, being that the theme of the orientation is the iwa bird. Could you please get back to me? I am more than willing to pay for a copy of the video. Mahalo!

Answered by Dan from University of Hawaii on Jul 12, 2006.
If your Internet connection is fast enough to play the video you should be able to download it. Just right-click (or control-click on a Mac) on the image that starts the video. You should get a menu with an option to download it. If that does not solve your problem then email us directly.

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