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HURL (Hawai‘i Undersea Research Laboratory)

The Hawai‘i Undersea Research Laboratory (HURL) was established by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the University of Hawai‘i. HURL's mission is to study deep water marine processes in the Pacific Ocean. You can follow HURL's 2002 expedition to the NWHI by clicking here. In 2002 HURL will be visiting Raita Bank, Northampton Bank, Brooks Banks, and St. Rogatien Bank to evaluate Bottomfish populations. They will also be assessing the role of precious coral beds as foraging grounds for Hawaiian monk seals. Learn more about banks and seamounts.

Launching of the Pices V Submersible. Click to view video clip.Launching of the Pices V Submersible- (QuickTime Movie, 1.1 mb)


Anemone hermit crab.  Click to see video clip.Anemone Hermit Crab (Dardanus brachyops) on the top of Raita Bank - (QuickTime Movie, 1.1 mb)




Eel burrowing into the sand.  Click here to watch video clip.Eel burrowing into the sand (Ariosoma marginatum) on top of Raita Bank - (QuickTime Movie, 2.4 MB)




Grammatonotus macrophthalmu.  Click to see video clip.Grammatonotus macrophthalmu. - East French Frigate Shoals, 369 meters depth (QuickTime Movie, 471 Kb)




Octopus, shark and other fish. Click to watch video clip.Octopus, shark and other fish. - (QuickTime Movie, 1 MB)




Deep sea anemone snapping back into its protective stem.  Click to see video clip.Deep sea anemone snapping back into its protective stem. - (QuickTime Movie, 480 Kb)




Gold coral bed with flat fish.  Click to see video clip.Gold coral bed with flat fish swimming - fish: Antigonia, Coral: Gerardia; East French Frigate Shoals, 369 meters depth. (QuickTime Movie, 350 Kb)




Onaga swimming.  Click to see the video clip.Onaga swimming. - (QuickTime Movie, 207 Kb)

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