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This page provides an index to the various discussions on the web site. Click here to read about how the discussions work!

General Questions

Animals and Plants

Cultural History

Maritime Archeology


How the discusisons work

Many of the pages provide an "Ask About It!" link that you can use to ask questions about the contents of those pages. It will look like this:

Find this image on the site to ask questions! (But not here! It's a treasure hunt ...)Ask About It!

The link will give you a form to send in your question. We will send your question to the appropriate researcher or educator.

In a few days (up to a week or two now that the scientists are back from the voyages and working in their other jobs), we will post the question and the answer on the web page where you asked the question or the page that covers the topic of your question. You can also find your questions listed here in the Discussions index under their general topic.

This way everyone gets to benefit from the questions and answers. So browse the site and use the Ask About It link when you have a question!

Please see our Privacy and Security Notice.

Photo of Pearl and Hermes Reef. USFWS

Photo of Red Tailed Tropicbird. R. Shallenberger, USFWS.
























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