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You are here: /main/research/NWHI ED 2005/resources

This page contains various educational resources developed during and after the expedition, including images, video, lesson and unit plans, and "how to" tutorials.

Unit and Lesson Plans

Selected Daily Photographs

Large versions will be added after our return.

  • August 12 - Departure and transit to Nihoa
  • August 13 - Nihoa
  • August 14 - Mokumanamana
  • August 15 - French Frigate Shoals: La Perouse
  • August 16 - French Frigate Shoals: East Island
  • August 17 - French Frigate Shoals: Tern Island
  • August 18 - French Frigate Shoals: Tern Island
  • August 19 - Mokumanamana and Transit
  • August 20 - Nihoa and Transit
  • August 21 - Arrival in Honolulu Harbour

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Talk About It!

Island formation

Asked by debbie from calender on Jan 11, 2006.
how were the Hawiian Islands formed?

Answered by Paulo from UH on Jan 15, 2006.
The Hawaiian Islands were, and still are, formed by volcanic activity. A hot spot in the middle of the Pacific ocean produced the lava that, spewing from the bottom of the ocean, eventually reached the surfaced and gave rise to each of the Hawaiian islands we know of today. As the tectonic plate shifts over this one hot spot, each of the different islands was formed. As a result, the older islands are located north west of this hot spot, following the direction of shifting plates underneath. If you want to witness this formation process yourself, plan a trip to the Big Island to see the Kilauea volcano in action, and see the island grow.

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