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You are here: /main/research/NWHI ED 2005/activities

These activities were created by teachers participating in the NWHI ED 2005 expedition.

Tern Island Birds by Alan Nakagawa and Sandy Webb
Can you identify a NWHI bird by looking at it? Use a "dichotomous key" to identify birds found on Tern Island. (No, they are not all terns!)
Coral Clues by Barbara Klemm
By looking at their shapes, you can recognize the major corals that make up the reefs of the Hawaiian Islands. Can you match the common, descriptive names of the coral with its picture?
Ship to House Comparison by Barbara Mayer
What is it like to live on a ship? Can you find your way around? Find out by matching pictures of various shipboard rooms to everyday living spaces.

Talk Story Time by Margaret Prevenas
This activity asks you to talk story with someone who has lived on your island for 20 or more years. Find out what changes have happened to the land or the sea since they have been alive.

NWHI Word Search by Allen Golden
Find the words and phrases about the NWHI and cross them out to uncover the secret message!

See also the NWHI RAMP 2004 Reader Challenges!

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