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More Information and Links

Coral Reef Biology
Coral Reef Management

Hawaiian Culture
Invasive Species
Marine Research Institutions
Marine Protected Areas
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
University Resources

Coral Reef Biology

Coral biology and coral reefs - an excellent series of pages about coral biology, and coral reefs, and coral diseases.

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Coral Reef Management

Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve - Management agency for the NWHI Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve.

U.S. Coral Reef Task Force - and interagecy U.S. Government task force setup "to preserve and protect the biodiversity, health, heritage, and social and economic value of U.S. coral reef ecosystems and the marine environment."

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority - the official website for the Great Barrier Reef management agency.

Hawai‘i Coral Reef Network - a network of sites about Hawai‘i's coral reefs.

Hawai‘i Coral Reef Initiative - The primary purpose of the Hawai‘i Coral Reef Initiative Research Program is to support monitoring and research activities aimed at building capacity to manage Hawai‘i's coral reef ecosystems.

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NOAA Diving Program - The NOAA Diving Program trains and certifies scientists, engineers and technicians to perform the variety of tasks carried out underwater to support NOAA's mission.

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Fishbase - An online database of fishes of the world. Pictures, descriptions, distributions, and other information.

Waikiki Aquarium's Web Library - All sorts of information about the marine life found in Hawai‘i and the South Pacific, along with suggested readings and information about their exhibits.

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Western Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Council - An advisory body to the National Marine Fisheries Service in the Western Pacific.

National Marine Fisheries Service Honolulu Laboratory

State of Hawai‘i, Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources

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Hawaiian Culture

Polynesian Voyaging Society - founded in 1973 to research how Polynesian seafarers discovered and settled nearly every inhabitable island in the Pacific Ocean before European explorers arrived in the 16th century.

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Tanager Expedition - The first scientific expedition to go to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. 1920's.

Hawai‘i Maritime Archaeology and History - UH Manoa program.

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Invasive Species

USGS Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center

Conservation Hawai‘i

Marine Invasives in Hawai‘i - UH Botany site.

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Marine Research Institutions

Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology

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Marine Protected Areas

Marine Protected Areas of the United States - provides information on marine protected areas (MPAs) as required by Executive Order 13158. This site, managed jointly by the Departments of Commerce and the Interior, reports on the collective progress in implementing the Executive Order.

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Northwestern Hawaiian Islands

Checklists of plants and animals of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands by the Hawai‘i Biological Survey. Online databases.

Bishop Museum's NWHI Cultural Collection Database - The cultural objects included in this searchable database are from Nihoa and Mokumanamana (Necker). They were collected by members of several expeditions or by private individuals working for governmental agencies.

Bishop Museum's Annotated Bibliography of Cultural Resources for the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands - Online searchable database

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Coral Reef Hotspots - Sea temperature measurements across the globe to evaluate the potential for coral bleaching from abnormally high ocean temperatures.

Global Warming and the Risk of Sea Level Rise - EPA analysis.

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Research Expeditions

NOAA Ocean Explorer's Northwestern Hawaiian Islands - take a look through the eyes of a Hawaiian monk seal as it swims.

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University Resources

UH Manoa and Hilo Marine Option Programs.

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NOAA's Climate Observation Program - Teacher at Sea - Join a teacher at sea and follow daily logs, video and interviews.

El Niño and La Niña - NOAA's Tropcal Atmosphere and Ocean project maintains a string of moored ocean buoys for improved detection, understanding and prediction of El Niño and La Niña.

El Niño and La Niña - National Acadamies of Sciences article.

El Niño and La Niña - NOAA's El Niño theme page. Links to everything about El Niño you could ever want to know!

Tropical Storms Worldwide - Track tropical storms, hurricanes and typhoons worldwide. Landfall/strike probabilities and other info.

NOAA's Weather Page - Everything you might possibly want to know about weather. Links to National Weather Service and a million other areas.

National Weather Service Forecast Office, Honolulu, HI

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