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You are here: /main/ research expeditions/NWHI ED 2005

The Hi`ialakai at Pearl and Hermes From August 12th through 21st 2005, the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) research vessel Hi`ialakai ("embracing pathways to the sea") is carrying a "boatload of educators" on NOAA's first-ever dedicated education voyage! While visiting Nihoa, Mokumanamana and French Frigate Shoals, educators are learning about the natural and human history of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and the challenges of restoration and resource management. Journals and activities are being posted to this web site during the expedition. Articles and curricular resources developed by expedition members will also be shared on this site, continuing after the expedition is over. Meet the educators here and follow a photo-journal below.

  • August 12 - Departure and transit to Nihoa
  • August 13 - Nihoa
  • August 14 - Mokumanamana
  • August 15 - French Frigate Shoals: La Perouse
  • August 16 - French Frigate Shoals: East Island
  • August 17 - French Frigate Shoals: Tern Island
  • August 18 - French Frigate Shoals: Tern Island
  • August 19 - Mokumanamana and Transit
  • August 20 - Nihoa and Transit
  • August 21 - Arrival in Honolulu Harbour

Use the "Talk About It!" link on any page to send us questions!

Funding for this expedition was provided by NOAA. Research permits were granted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the State of Hawai`i Department of Land and Natural Resources, and the NWHI Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve. Web site is hosted by the University of Hawai`i. The views expressed on this web site do not necessarily reflect the positions of any of the agencies connected with this project.

Talk About It!

An example of an "Ask About It" question and reply

Asked by A Reader on Aug 12, 2005.
Where will my "Ask About It!" message be answered?

Answered by Dan from the University of Hawaii on Aug 12, 2005.
As you can now see, when we answer your message, both your message and our reply will appear on the page where you first clicked on the "Ask About It!" link: right here! You can also find other questions and replies by using the "Discussions" link to the left.


Asked by Niutao on Aug 18, 2005.
What is the name of the federal government agency represented by the acronym NOAA?

Answered by Dan from U. Hawaii on Aug 19, 2005.
NOAA stands for National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. It is part of the Department of Commerce. You can find out more about our partners and links to their web sites at

Hawaiian Names of Islands

Asked by Momi from Leeward Community College on Apr 7, 2006.
I am a teacher at a community college and have used this website for my students. One lesson is for them to find the original Hawaiian names for each of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Just today, I discovered a discrepancy regarding at least 2 of the islands. Your website lists the following:
Kure Atoll = Mokupapapa
French Frigate Shoals = Kanemiloha?i

Most other websites show this:
Kure Atoll = Kanemiloha?i
French Frigate Shoals = Mokupapapa

So, which is correct? I would like to provide my students with the correct information. Please help.

Answered by Andy from NOAA on Apr 7, 2006.
Aloha Momi,

What we have is correct, and has been verifed with Larry Kimura at UH Hilo.

If you have additonal questions about the names you can contact Kekuewa Kikiloi on our office 808-397-2660 xt 233.


Hawaiian Names for NWHI

Asked by Tammy from Hi, Montessori/Kamuela, Hawaii on Feb 3, 2007.
I have found that same discrepancy in the Hawaiian names of Kure Atoll and French Frigate Shoals. I actually went to the website of the Hawaiian Lexicon Committee who developed the set of names for the NWHI and that site has it as Kure Atoll with Kanemiloha'i and French Frigate Shoals with the name Mokupapapa. I also researched these names in the book "Isles of Refuge: wildlife and history of the NWHI" and have said the same. I just want to diseminate the correct information to our children. Mahalo plenty, Tammy

Answered by Andy from NOAA on Feb 5, 2007.
Aloha Tammy. The actual Hawaiian names of the islands is still under investigation, and one of the members of the NWHI Monument's staff - Kekuewa Kikiloi - is looking back through recorded chants and other oral histories to see if there are additional references. The names listed on this website are as they were last revised by Larry Kimura of the Hawaiian Lexicon Committee, and if there is a discrepancy it may be because they have not updated their website. It is nearly certain that there will be more name changes in the future, and there may even be multiple names for each island/atoll.

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