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Ship Logs
You are here: /main/research/NWHI RAMP 2004/ship logs/9/18/04

Hi`ialakai Plan of the Day

Date: Sept 18, 2004 (Saturday)
The scientists are pleased, the food is awesome, the
ship is running well, and the Deck Department's
choreographed launch/recovery ops are getting fine
tuned...Life is good!
A friendly reminder to please respect the Chief
Stewards requests of:
- No wet clothes in the mess area
- Use the ice scoop; don't scoop with your cup
- push in your chairs when leaving
- No hats worn in the mess
- Wipe up your spills
In addition, no flip-flops on weather (outside) decks 
* TBD - Launch HI-3 (19' Safe Boat) for tow boarding,
  HI-1 (10m) for REA work, HI-2 (8m) for moorings, and
  HI-5 (Zodiac) near 23/50.0 N and 166/20.0 W.  This
  list reflects the order of launching.
HI'IALAKAI will shadow HI-3 along the northern area of
the reef to facilitate the change-out of gear in early
afternoon.  While changing out gear, HI'IALAKAI will
transit back to initial launch site.
At some point, approx. 1600, the three personnel who
spent the night on Tern Island will be transferred by
boat back to the HI'IALAKAI - possibly on HI-1.
1630 - Stagger the recovery of boats near 23/50 N and
166/18 W.  HI-2 and HI-3 should be back by 1630.  While
HI-2 is being recovered, HI-3 will refuel.  HI-1 will
arrive at 1635, followed by HI-5 at 1640, and lastly,
Night Ops. - TBD 
Movies for this evening: (Both will start at 1730 and
again at 2000.)
- Cheaper by the Dozen
- The Craft
                               CDR Scott E. Kuester,
                               Commanding Officer

Talk About It!

Hi`ialakai Conversion

Asked by Steve from University of South Florida on Jul 28, 2005.
Can someone give me the name and contact information for the company that did the conversion of the Hi'ialakai?

Steve Karl

Answered by Paulo from UH on Aug 8, 2005.
Hi, Steve. The conversion was done at Lake Union Dry Dock, Seattle, WA. Design was done in-house at NOAA Marine Operations Ctr, in Seattle. I hope this helps.

Ship Logs

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Launching the 8 meter boat


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