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NWHI RAMP 2004 Participants

Science and Education Teams:

Abbreviations used in affiliations:

  • CRED: Coral Reef Ecosystem Division of PIFSC
  • CRER: Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve (of NMSP/NOS)
  • JIMAR: Joint Institute of Marine and Atmospheric Science (of the University of Hawai`i at Manoa)
  • NMFS: NOAA's National Marine Fishery Services
  • NMSP: National Marine Sanctuary Program (of NOS)
  • NOS: NOAA's National Ocean Service
  • PIFSC: Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (of NOAA National Marine Fishery Services Fisheries)
  • SOEST: School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
  • UH: University of Hawai`i (Hilo or Manoa campus is specified)

Rapid Ecological Assessment Teams


  • Peter Vroom, Ph.D., Co-Chief Scientist - Algal Biologist, CRED/PIFSC/NMFS & UH-JIMAR
  • Erin Looney - University of Georgia


  • Greta Aeby, Ph.D. - NWHI Research Coordinator, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources-Division of Aquatic Resources
  • Jean Kenyon, Ph.D. - Marine Ecologist, CRED/PIFSC/NMFS & UH-JIMAR


  • Randall Kosaki, Ph.D., Co-Chief Scientist - Research Coordinator, NWHI CRER/NMSP/NOS
  • Craig Musburger, Graduate Student, Department of Zoology, UH Manoa
  • Darla White, Graduate Student, Marine Science Department, UH Hilo


  • Ranya Henson - Bishop Museum

Towboard Team


  • Brian Zgliczynski - CRED/PIFSC/NMFS & UH-JIMAR
  • Joseph Laughlin - CRED/PIFSC/NMFS & UH-JIMAR

Benthic Habitat

  • Molly Timmers - Coral Reef Habitat Specialist, CRED/PIFSC/NMFS & UH-JIMAR
  • Casey Wilkinson - Coral Reef Habitat Specialist, CRED/PIFSC/NMFS & UH-JIMAR

Oceanography Team (Mooring Operations)

  • Kyle Hogrefe - CRED/PIFSC/NMFS & UH-JIMAR
  • Stephani Holzwarth - Marine Ecosystem Research Specialist, CRED/PIFSC/NMFS & UH-JIMAR
  • Elizabeth Keenan - CRED/PIFSC/NMFS & UH-JIMAR
  • Danny Merritt - CRED/PIFSC/NMFS & UH-JIMAR, and Ocean and Resources Engineering (M.S. Candidate) UH Manoa

Night Operations (TOAD, CTDs)

  • Scott Ferguson, Marine Engineer, CRED/PIFSC/NMFS & UH-JIMAR

Data Manager

  • June Firing, Junior Researcher, Oceanography, SOEST, UH Manoa - CRED/PIFSC/NMFS & UH-JIMAR

Outreach and Education

  • David Liittschwager - Photographer, National Geographic
  • Susan Middleton - Photographer, National Geographic
  • Daniel Suthers, Ph.D.- Science Writer, Dept. of Information and Computer Sciences, UH Manoa

Ship's Crew:

  • Bostick, Jim, Ch. Op.
  • Caskey, John, LT
  • Crumley, Mike, RET
  • Dennis, Bob, 1AE
  • Duncan, Jesse, 2AE
  • Exner, Albert, CDR
  • Gabona, Rick, JUE
  • Gary, Allen, CS
  • Gordon, Merlyn, DU
  • Grant, Angelo, EU
  • Ho, Dayton, GVA
  • Jones, Sarah, ENS
  • Kroening, Steve, LT(jg)
  • Kuester, Scott, CDR
  • Lyons, Keith, BGL
  • Maurizio, Gaetano, AB
  • O'Connor, Mark, CB
  • Parker, Susan, 2C
  • Rapp, Drew, AST
  • Sanford, Charles, GVA
  • Taylor, Jeremy, OS
  • Thomala, Lobo, CME
  • Tipton, David, GVA
  • Wells, Greg, GVA
  • Wingate, Matt, ENS

Talk About It!

Cruise participants

Asked by Jim on Sep 18, 2004.
I don't see Carlos Eyles or Jim Watt on this year's participant list. Eyles' emotive Journals and Watts' captivating photos were the highlight of your website.

Are they not on this expedition?

Answered by Dan Suthers (Univ. of Hawaii) onboard the Hi`ialakai at the on Sep 19, 2004.

Carlos Eyles and Jim Watt are not on this expedition. NOWRAMP 2002
included a substantial education and outreach effort conducted by a team
of 8 people. This year, the emphasis is more on the science. There are 3
of us in the education/outreach category. Two photographers, David
Liitschwager and Susan Middleton, are aboard to complete a book on the
NWHI. My role is "science writer," and my job is to help the general
public understand the science being conducted in the NWHI and the
reasons why it is important. I will also be working with K12 schools via
my other job (see Therefore you will find that the
stories this year focus more on the science rather than the cultural
significance and sheer beauty of the place. However, I cannot help but
write about and photograph the beauty, and I will draw upon the library
of Jim's underwater photography to augment my own efforts to document
the scientists' work.

Dan Suthers

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