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Navigating Change: Northwestern Hawaiian Islands

The final Navigating Change Teacher's Guide is now available for download. Click here!


Hokule`a"Navigating Change" is a project focused on raising awareness and ultimately motivating people to change their attitudes and behaviors to better care for our islands and our ocean resources. The project is an educational partnership that includes private organizations, state agencies and federal agencies that share a collective vision for creating a healthier future for Hawai`i and for our planet. We hope to change behaviors by creating an awareness of the ecological problems we face and by demonstrating how decisions we make in our daily lives can help resolve those problems.

The goal of Navigating Change is to motivate, encourage and challenge people to take action to improve the environmental conditions in their own backyards, especially as it pertains to our coral reefs. We want people to take responsibility for the stewardship and sustainability of our islands and our ocean. We are targeting our message to the youth of Hawai`i because the future is in their hands.

To raise awareness of the environmental decline occurring in the main Hawaiian Islands, the Polynesian Voyaging Society has sailed the double hulled canoe Hokule`a throughout the main Hawaiian Islands carrying the Navigating Change message. School children and entire communities were challenged to take responsibility for our natural resources and our natural environment. This statewide sail began in March 2003.

Hokule`a Route up the NWHI chain.

Talk About It!

Meaning of Hokule`a

Asked by Ariel on May 7, 2004.
What does Hokule'a mean?

Answered by Andy from NOAA on May 9, 2004.
The Polynesian Voyaging Canoe Hokule`a was named after the star Arcturus, whose Hawaiian name is Hokule`a. Arcturus is a zenith star for Hawai'i. This means that when you see the star directly overhead you are near Hawai`i, and for voyagers trying to reach Hawai`i this would bring gladness. So, another meaning for Hokule`a is "star of gladness."

For an interesting article about the naming of Hokule`a visit the following web page:

Humback whales in Hawaii

Asked by Junior on May 7, 2004.

Answered by Andy from NOAA on May 9, 2004.
There are many Humpback Whales in Hawaii during the winter months from November through April. Many whales from the North Pacific Humpback Whale population come to Hawaii during this time to mate and to give birth. I personally see several whales each year during this time, and they can easily be spotted from shore.

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Education Resources

Teachers Guide
(The final teacher's guide is now avialable!)

Educational Videos

KidScience with Patty Miller - "Messages From The NorthWestern Hawaiian Islands"

Calendar of Events

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Malama Hawai`i

Malama Hawai`i offers many ways for you to get involved in helping to care for our islands home. Go to the website above for more info.

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