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The NEW Teacher's Guide to Navigating Change- a standards based, grade 4-5 curriculum is now available!!!!

A Teacher's Guide to Navigating Change
(Revised 2008 Curriculum)

The Teacher's Guide to Navigating Change is a five part, Hawai'i DOE Standards (HCPS 3) aligned curriculum for grades 4-5. The guide includes five units that are designed to help students explore their relationships to the environment and ways that they can “navigate change” in their own communities. The instructional activities focus on Hawai`i DOE science, social studies, and language arts standards as well as Na Honua Mauli Ola, guidelines for culturally healthy and responsive learning environments in Hawai`i that were develoed by the Native Hawaiian Education Council in partnership with the Ka Haka `Ula O Ke`elikolani, College of Hawaiian Language, UH-Hilo.

Introduction (pdf 1.69 MB)

Unit 1 - The Voyage (pdf 2.83 MB)

Unit 2 - Land To Sea Connection (pdf 6.24 MB)

Unit 3 - Change Over Time (pdf 7.2 MB)

Unit 4 - Human Impact: Part 1 (pdf 5.27 MB) & Part 2 (pdf 6.5 MB)

Unit 5 - You Make The Difference (pdf 1.1 MB)

Appendix (pdf 828 kb)

Actual Reproductive Size (L50) Fish Poster (JPEG - 328 KB)

Hawaiian Archipelago Map (JPEG - 1.4 MB)

Map Poster Back Side (PDF - 550 KB)

Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve Brochure (PDF - 4.5 MB)

The Guide is usually distributed at teacher workshops as a three ring binder with a DVD containing a short video to accompany each unit above (these can also be viewed below in smaller web movie formats), and two CDs containing images and short video clips. Please sign up for the Navigating Change listserve to see when the next workshop is being held. If you want to assemble your own guide, here are the other pages you need:

Binder spine (pdf 188 kb)

Binder cover (pdf 1.8 mb)

Binder inside cover (pdf 2.3 mb)

For a current listing of projects in Hawai'i that you can get involved with to help make a difference, visit the Malama Hawai'i website. Click here.


Video Products

You can also view the modules online by following the links below. Small is for dial-up and large is for broadband connections.

Module 1: The Voyage (Small) (Large)

Module 2: Land to Sea Connections (Small) (Large)

Module 3: Change Over Time (Small) (Large)

Module 4: Human Impacts (Small) (Large)

Module 5: You Make The Difference (Small) (Large)

Three KidScience specials, Messages from the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, are also available.

To order VHS videos:

DOE teachers

Order on-line at
Click the "start" button

Type in "Northwestern Hawaiian Islands" (without quotes) and search.

8 items are available including:

Navigating Change Educators Kit (this is the 5 series video)


Messages from the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (3 parts)

Follow the instructions to order.




Additional standards based educational materials for teachers. Materials include activities designed get students involved and thinking about how to Navigate Change and the reasons why.

Please note that this is not the Navigating Change Teacher's Guide that will be released in January 2005.

(All documents are in PDF format. The free Acrobat reader can be downloaded here.)

Entire Education Kit (5.3 MB)

Individual sections for quicker download

Introduction and standards (508 KB)

Where in the world are the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (1 MB)

Compare and contrast the main Hawaiian Islands with the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (136 KB)

Shifting baselines (108 KB)

Coral reef habitats (876 KB)

From land to sea (696 KB)

Did you know??? Fascinating facts (316 KB)

Human impacts on the reef (448 KB)

Who makes the decisions? A town meeting (504 KB)

Getting involved (112 KB)

Sail away! Outfitting an ocean going canoe (612 KB)

Way finding. Navigating using environmental cues (152 KB)




Talk About It!

Navigating Change Teachers' Guide

Asked by Jeremy from DOE on Apr 12, 2006.
I was wondering where I could order and buy a hard copy of the NEW Navigiating Change Teacher's Guide?

Answered by Paulo from University of Hawaii on Apr 21, 2006.
It's great to see your interest in the Navigating Change Teachers' Guide. At the moment, the guide is only given to teachers participating in the Navigating Change workshops, conducted around the islands (both the Workshop and the guide are free of charge). You might want to consider subscribing to the Navigating Change listserve to find out about upcoming sessions.

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