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You are here: /main/research/NOWRAMP 2002/ship logs/10_6_02/


Ship Logs

10/6/02 - Rapture - End of Expedition

Position: @20:00 Hours
Latitude: 22° 24.287' N

Longitude: 180° 41.486' W
Area Name: 1/2 Day at Nihoa Island, then Transit to Honolulu, ETA 10:00 AM 10/7/02

1016.9 mb and falling
Winds: 25 - 30 Knots N
Description: Partly cloudy, Isolated showers
Forecast: High pressure continues to build in Central Pacific, slowly moving over Hawaiian Islands.

Sea Conditions:
6-10' NE

Daily Vessel Plan:
Scheduled Activities:

REA (Rapid Ecological Assessment) Team A: 1 dive - NW corner of island. Basalt boulders, 67'. High relief habitat. Omilu, Kahala, Wahanui.

REA (Rapid Ecological Assessment) Team B: Last dive of trip made successfully on west side of island. Big boulders underwater in jumbled piles. Lots of fish. Seaweeds hiding in crevices. One monk seal escorted the divers.

Maritime Archaeology : Surveyed three anchors lost at Nihoa Island.

Intertidal: Too rough, high swell.

Terrestrial Team: Too rough, high swell.

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