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Gardner Pinnacles

Gardner Pinnacles.  Photo by  Monte Costa.When the two pinnacles of volcanic rock between French Frigate Shoals and Maro Reef come into view, mariners know they have reached Gardner Pinnacles. This 5-acre island comprises the smallest land area of any of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI). Underwater shelves reach outward from the pinnacles and extend over an area of 2,446 square kilometers (604,000 acres).

In 1820, Captain Joseph Allen of the Nantucket whaler, Maro, reported seeing "a new island or rock not laid down on any of our charts. . . . It has two detached humps. . . . We call it Gardner's Island."

Large opihi, or limpets, at Gardner Pinnacles.Gardner Pinnacles is known for its abundance of giant opihi, the endemic Hawaiian limpet. The islands' rocky inter-tidal areas are an ideal habitat for opihi. Twenty-seven documented species of stony coral are distributed throughout the pinnacles' reef system. Acropora table corals have been noted on the leeward side, while tube, stony, and soft corals have been found throughout the reef. The underwater shelves around Gardner Pinnacles provide habitat for some of the highest recorded numbers of fish species in the Northwest Hawaiian Islands. It is interesting to note that the number of coral species found at Gardner is nearly twice that found at the similar basalt islands of Nihoa and Mokumanamana. Also, many main Hawaiian fish species not found at other NWHI areas are found here.

Gardner Pinnacles is home to seabirds, insects, and only one species of plant, the succulent sea purslane. Scientists have
Blue gray noddies.observed 19 species of seabirds, 12 of which breed on the steep cliffs, including the rare blue gray noddy.

Despite its small size and isolation, the island has a surprisingly wide array of insects. Spiders, mites, moths, centipedes, flies, beetles, isopods and earwigs, among others, are found on Gardner Pinnacles. Recently a researcher visiting the island found what he believes are two new species of spiders. He also found a third spider previously not known from Gardner Pinnacles.

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Index map showing the location of Gardner Pinnacles.

Bathymetric map of Gardner Pinnacles. Click for large map.

IKONOS image of Gardner Pinnacles. Click for larger image.

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Masked Boobies at Garnder Pinnacles.

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