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You are here: /main/research expeditions/CReefs 2006/features/seaslugs

Sea Slugs

The following are pictures and descriptions of sea slugs that were found off of Ke'ehi Lagoon the day before departure, and shows the amazing diversity of tiny marine animals living right beneath our noses.

Thurunna kahuna - off Keehi Lagoon, Oahu. Opisthobranch, nudibranch. Photo by Corey Pittman.

Thurunna kahuna - off Keehi Lagoon, Oahu. Opisthobranch, nudibranch. Showing poisonous defensive mantle glands (frilly crescent in rear) used to discourage predators with toxic secretions. Found during rubble extraction. Size: 15 mm. Photo by Corey Pittman.

Tambja morosa - off Keehi Lagoon. Nudibranch. Photo by Corey Pittman.

Tambja morosa - off Keehi Lagoon. Nudibranch. Feeds on bryozoans. Found in coral rubble. Hand picked. Size: ~35 mm. Photo by Corey Pittman.

Chelidonura hirundinina - off Keehi Lagoon. Opisthobranch, relative of bubble shells, it has a small internal shell. Photo by Corey Pittman.

Chelidonura hirundinina - off Keehi Lagoon. Opisthobranch, relative of bubble shells, it has a small internal shell. Feeds on tiny flatworms ~2 mm. Sucks the flatworms in. Found in coral rubble. Rubble extraction. Size: ~10 mm. Photo by Corey Pittman.


*All images and information from French Frigate Shoals are provided courtesy of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument, Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge, the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands State Marine Refuge, and NOAA's Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center in accordance with permit numbers NWHIMNM-2006-015, 2006-01, 2006-017, and DLNR.NWHI06R021 and associated amendments.

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