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Census of Marine Life, Census of Coral Reefs Expedition to French Frigate Shoals
(October 2006)


Ship Logs

Days 1-3, October 8-October 10, 2006
By Andy Collins, NOAA, NOS, NWHIMNM -
Education and Outreach Specialist

Day 4, October 11, 2006
By Andy Collins, NOAA, NOS, NWHIMNM -
Education and Outreach Specialist

Day 5, October 12, 2006
By Andy Collins, NOAA, NOS, NWHIMNM -
Education and Outreach Specialist

Day 8, October 15, 2006
By Andy Collins, NOAA, NOS, NWHIMNM -
Education and Outreach Specialist

Day 9, October 16, 2006
By Andy Collins, NOAA, NOS, NWHIMNM -
Education and Outreach Specialist

Days 10-12, October 17-19, 2006
By Andy Collins, NOAA, NOS, NWHIMNM -
Education and Outreach Specialist

Day 13, October 20, 2006
By Andy Collins, NOAA, NOS, NWHIMNM -
Education and Outreach Specialist

Day 16, October 23, 2006
By Andy Collins, NOAA, NOS, NWHIMNM -
Education and Outreach Specialist
























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