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Census of Marine Life, Census of Coral Reefs Expedition to French Frigate Shoals (October 2006)

Ship Logs


Rusty Brainard, NOAA, NMFS, CRED - PI / Chief Scientist

Amy Hall, NOAA, NMFS, CRED, JIMAR - Diver/Outreach Specialist

Brian Zgliczynski, NOAA, NMFS, CRED - Divemaster/Outreach Specialist

Elizabeth Keenan, NOAA, NMFS, CRED, JIMAR - Generalist/Outreach Specialist

Jim Maragos, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Coral, General
Collection, Photographer

Andy Collins, NOAA, NOS, NWHIMNM - Education and Outreach Specialist

Leslie Harris, LA County Natural History Museum - Specimen Processor, Polychaetes

Gustav Paulay, Florida Museum of Natural History - Generalist

John Starmer, Florida Museum of Natural History - Specimen Processor

Seabird Mckeon, Florida Museum of Natural History - Specimen Processor

Cory Pittman, Private - Microphotographer, Micromullusks, Apiscabranch, Enchino, Brushing

Scott Godwin, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology - Generalist

Jody Martin, LA County Natural History Museum - Crustacean (macro)

Rebecca Most, Kaloko Honokohau National Historical Park - Algae Specialist

Kris Coontz, University of Hawaii - Algae Specialist

Russel Moffit, NOAA, NMFS, CRED- Data Manager

Susan Middleton, Institute for Global Communications - Photographer

Steve Matthews, NOAA Dive Center - Diver

Tito Monteiro da Cruz Lotufo, Universidade Federal do Ceara, Brazil, Ascidians

Emmanuel Irizarry, ICOMM, Puerto Rico - Microbes

Web Site and Project Support Team (Honolulu):

Megan Moews, Census of Marine Life, CReefs Hawaii Project Manager, NOAA Coral Reef Ecosystem Division, Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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