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New Species

With all the taxonomic firepower on this expedition, as well as the diversity of collection methods employed, it was expected that we would find many new species records for French Frigate Shoals, and possibly new species. After only the second day of operations it appears that we are on track to fulfill that expectation. The scientists have found several organisms that may be new species, and several that are likely new records for the area.

Click here to view New Species and New Records!

This sea cucumber, Holothuria sp. has been observed before but not fully described. It may be a new species. Photo: Gustav Paulay.
This sea cucumber, Holothuria sp. has been observed before but not fully described. It may be a new species. Photo: Gustav Paulay.
It was unclear to me until just a few minutes ago what a “new species” really means. There are species that have been observed, and even recorded in popular literature, but until they have been fully researched (using collections, existing descriptions, photos, etc.) to eliminate matches with any known species, then described, and then this description published in a peer reviewed science journal, only then can they be given a full scientific name and considered a new species. You may see species names that have a genus, but only a sp. for the species name, or a cf. between the genus and species name. These are species that have been observed, and may even be described, but the description has not been published, and thus it cannot be confirmed that the species is completely new. It may very well exist somewhere else, and the scientific review process is the way to validate this. There are other “new species” that have never been described or observed anywhere, and these too will need to go through the same process before they can be confirmed as new species and get scientific names. A “new record” is a species that is known from somewhere else, but has never been observed in the area of inspection, and thus is a new species for the area but not a new species to science.

This crab, Leucosiid sp. may be a new species. Photo: Andy Collins.
This crab, Leucosiid sp. may be a new species. Photo: Andy Collins.
The reality of the practicing scientist is far from the general public view of the person in the white lab coat making one startling new discovery after another. Many scientists struggle their entire careers to make one new discovery, and it usually involves extensive effort, patience and attention to detail. Some work a lifetime to ultimately prove their hypothesis wrong, which, from the scientific perspective, is just as valuable when done thoroughly, though certainly not as glorious. The scientific process to prove or disprove an idea, or confirm a new species is an arduous one, frequently taking years, and much debate. The time it takes to confirm a new species is also dependant upon how many species there are in the genus or family of that particular type of organism, the larger the family or genus the more time it takes to confirm a new species, since the new organism will have to be compared against a larger number of organisms. There are many checks and balances in the identification system, and a seemingly endless process of review and discussion. Ultimately the objective of this whole process is to exhaust all possible disagreement, and authoritatively say that a new species has been found, or a new record observed.

This sea cucumber, Stichopus sp. has been observed before but not fully described. It may be a new species. Photo: Gustav Paulay.
This sea cucumber, Stichopus sp. has been observed before but not fully described. It may be a new species. Photo: Gustav Paulay.
Fortunately for the scientists aboard this expedition, several who are experts in their field, the marine realm is not nearly as well studied as the terrestrial realm, and remote areas such as French Frigate Shoals are like the wild unknown frontier of marine taxonomy. There are many limitations to studying an area such as French Frigate Shoals. First, it is far from any populated area (over 500 miles from Honolulu), with no public facilities and requires a ship to get here. Second, it does not have an area protected from weather, waves or strong currents. Third, it is a large area, some 12 miles in diameter. Fourth, survey time is limited by the amount of time you can spend underwater breathing compressed air, which is roughly two hours per day/per person considering three dives at 60 feet. Fifth, it is a fully protected marine area under strict regulation by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, NOAA, and the State of Hawaii. I could go on...the weather is too foul or the waves too big during the winter to conduct dive operations, there are protected species disturbances to consider, etc. For all these reasons the area has not been studied as extensively as the main Hawaiian Islands, or other parts of the Pacific, and thus the probability to make new discoveries is high. One final factor that makes French Frigate Shoals a potential hot spot of diversity in the Hawaiian Archipelago is that the area is seen as possible gateway for species recruiting to the archipelago from Johnston Atoll to the south. The abundance of Acropora table corals at French Frigate Shoals, and their relative absence up and down the archipelago is commonly cited as evidence of the connection to Johnston Atoll since table corals are abundant there, as they are in the rest of the South Pacific, but not in the main Hawaiian Islands, or the atolls at western end of the archipelago.


*All images and information from French Frigate Shoals are provided courtesy of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument, Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge, the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands State Marine Refuge, and NOAA's Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center in accordance with permit numbers NWHIMNM-2006-015, 2006-01, 2006-017, and DLNR.NWHI06R021 and associated amendments.

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