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expeditions/September/October 2007/Scientists
interviews aboard the NOAA Ship Hi‘ialakai
by Darla White
here to see where the Hi'ialakai is now.
here to see current data from the ship.
There are several different expeditions each year that bring
the Hi‘ialakai
to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, now established as the Papahānaumokuākea Marine
National Monument. The data the scientists collect give us perspective
on what is here, how it is distributed spatially, and answer questions that give
managers the tools they need to conserve and protect the precious ecosystems
within the Monument. One of the greatest challenges facing researchers
is the immense size of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. This expansive
system of islands, pinnacles, atolls, reefs, and shoals spans more than 1200
miles. Assessing the biota living here is no small feat.
The scientists
on board are an ensemble of dedicated researchers from multiple
agencies and institutions, including representatives from
the Papahānaumokuākea Marine
National Monument office, National Marine Fisheries Service – Coral
Reef Ecosystems Division (NMFS – CRED), Mokupāpapa,
Hawai‘i Institute
of Marine Biology (HIMB), Hawai‘i State Division of
Aquatic Resources (DAR), University of Hawai‘i at Hilo
(UHH), and Leeward Community College. This
group of 17 scientists embarks daily to collect their data
on various organisms in order to paint the most accurate
picture of this extensive ecosystem. All
of the participating scientists, with the exception of the
data manager/Geographic Information System (GIS) specialist,
are divers that work in teams which include: two coral teams,
a microbial team, a mobile invertebrate and substrate (whatever
is on the bottom, including limu) team, and the fish team. Their
research, and what questions they are out to answer, will
be featured in upcoming articles with interviews of each
of the teams.
Fish Team:
Brian Zgliczynski, Marc Nadon, Paula Ayotte, Kara Osada,
Frank Stanton, Yumi Yasutake, & Darla White

The fish team in the dry lab.
In the words of Brian Zgliczynski:
Thought for the day (and for the millennium): What is acceptable?
Most of us in Hawai‘i today, residents and visitors
alike, snorkel or dive over the beautiful coral reefs and
think how amazing they are…and this
is what we have come to accept as a normal, healthy, coral
reef ecosystem. But
when you come up here and see the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands,
you realize what the reefs in the Main Hawaiian Islands used
to look like, and how it should be. If everyone could
come up here and see what we see, there would be a renewed
incentive to make strides toward restoring the natural balance.
The goals of the fish team are twofold on this voyage. The
primary objective is to make an assessment the fish assemblages
by collecting data that will describe: 1) the population
density of the different fish species in numbers per unit
area; and 2) the biomass (weight) of fish species per unit
area. These values
are then analyzed in further detail and individual species
are grouped into their respective trophic groups (what they
eat). We can then construct a trophic
pyramid for each site. Take for example the familiar
food pyramid: the apex predator, like a lion or a shark,
would be at the top point. Below
it would be a wider selection of prey and below them an even
broader selection of prey, and so on. Imagine if you
will, a new concept: an inverted pyramid where the apex predators
are the most prevalent species in ‘biomass’,
and the reverse is true for its prey assemblages, and so
on. Data collected
and analyzed for other Pacific islands have demonstrated
this type of assembly. This
may provide us with a baseline of what reefs used to look
like. Data we
are collecting provide a baseline and help us determine the
structure of the ecosystem and determine how it changes over

Brian Zgliczynski goes over some of
the new survey sites.
The second purpose of this cruise is to test a new
survey method and compare it to the methods used in the past. That
is, data being collected using the new protocol will be analyzed
and compared to years of past data to see if they have similar
results. In addition to the permanent sites that are
monitored here annually, we are testing a random stratified
sampling design, wherein additional sites are randomly selected
for different select habitats. The
habitats are stratified by lagoon, backreef (inside), and
forereef (outside), and each has three depth strata (layers):
shallow, moderate, and deep. To
increase the capacity to detect changes over time, it is
imperative to increase the number of sample sites and replicates
(surveys). Ideally the new method
will save time, increase the number of survey sites, and
increase the amount of data collected on a mission to give
a better overall snapshot of the health of the reef.

The fish team getting ready to deploy.
here for maps of the region