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You are here: /main/research/NWHI ED 2005/journals/j12-Haunani-Seward

By Haunani Seward, Friday, August 12, 2005

An auspicious sign for the start of my huaka`i to the motu of the kupuna comes in the form of a solitary iwa soaring above the NOAA Ship Hi`ialaka as it lay tethered to land. As a child, whenever we saw an iwa, we would laughing run after it all the while pointing and singing in our childish voices, "Iwa, iwa come bite my finga," in our pidgin English accented voices. The meaning of the phrase so long ago spoken escapes my memory now, but that’s not important. What is important is that the iwa dipped a wing and maneuvered a graceful turn towards the northwest as if to say, follow me, follow me.

It was a "ho`ailona," the auspicious sign I was looking for.

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