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Journal Day 18 - Meet the Scientists

by Keeley Belva

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Meet the Scientists—In these logs, I keep referring to different teams of researchers that are working on the various projects on this cruise.  While the purpose of their work is important, these photos will give you a chance to see the people behind the projects and some of crew that make the cruise possible.

The algae team, Cheryl Squair and Kate Cullison—braving large predators to sample crustose coralline algae, shown here with their fabulous roommates. From left: Kate Cullison, Cheryl Squair, myself, and Toby Daly-Engel.

Algae team
Credit Toby Daly-Engel

The drop-cam guys, Jeff Drazen (right) and John Yeh—bringing you photos of critters from the deep.

Drop cam guys
Credit Toby Daly-Engel

The invertebrate team, Derek Skillings (left) and Greg Concepcion, guided by their inspirational leader, Scott Godwin—never failing to make research look glamorous. 

Invert teamScott Godwin
Credit Toby Daly-Engel

The mapping team, Erik Franklin, Paul Jokiel, and Craig Musburger— voted most likely to be found in a Zodiak, these guys are the fastest divers in the Northwest. 

Habitat Mapping
Credit Erik Franklin

The fish team, (from left) Josh Reece, Yannis Papastamatiou, Toby Daly-Engel, and Luiz Rocha, along with Carl Meyer (not pictured)—ever vigilant of where they’re swimming and always ready to “do it, do it.” 

Fish team
Credit Kate Cullison

Shark diver
Credit Randy Kosaki

Our fearless leader, Randy Kosaki—chief scientist, fish team member, and expert freediver. 

Randy at Nihoa
Credit Keeley Belva

Our expert coxswains, especially Gaetano Maurizio (pictured) and Jason Kehn—loading tanks, fixing boats, and on the lookout for large sharks!


And we can’t forget to mention the Hi`ialakai Band—providing evening entertainment out on the fantail—got instruments, will play.  Pictured here: Sara Greene, Jason Kehn, and Patrick Jorgensen, other members added as available.

Hiialakai band
Credit Toby Daly-Engel

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Coral bleaching

Galapagos shark

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