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expeditions/July 2007/Paul Jokiel Interview
with Paul Jokiel
by Keeley Belva

Paul Jokiel at Gardner Pinnacles.
here to see where the Hi'ialakai is now.
here to see current data from the ship.
1. What is your affiliation, and where are you from?
I am
a Researcher
at the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University
of Hawaii. I
was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois and moved to Hawaii with my family in
1968 because of my interest in coral reefs.
2. How did you become interested in
your particular field/profession?
Coral reef ecology is my
destiny. Since childhood my interests have been
focused on living things and their relationship to the environment. As
a small lad in Chicago I raised tropical fish and visited the Shedd Aquarium
and the Field Museum to view the wonders of the oceans. I was a water person
even then, being involved in competitive swimming and working every summer as
a lifeguard on the Chicago beaches of Lake Michigan. Biology was my favorite
subject in grammar school and high school. I studied ecology at Northwestern
University and Oceanography at the University of Washington and came to Hawaii
when the opportunity arose. All of these interests came together when I
finally had the opportunity to conduct original research on coral reefs.
3. Have
you worked in the Hawaiian Archipelago before? Or the Northwestern
Hawaiian Islands?
I have been working full time as a coral
reef researcher since 1969 with my major focus on the reefs
of Hawaii. I am Principal Investigator for the Hawaii
Coral Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program (CRAMP),
which is dedicated to describing changes in our reefs due
to natural and human causes. During 2001 we surveyed
all the islands of the NWHI in support of the mapping mission
of NOAA that led to the production of the NWHI habitat maps. This
voyage is an extension of that work.
4. Have you worked on
a ship at sea before, such as this one?
I have work on research
vessels, but not such as the Hi’Ialakai. Most
oceanographic research vessels are designed for offshore
work and cannot accommodate coral reef biologists, so remote
reef areas were difficult for us to study. Thus
the marine ecology of the NWHI was virtually unknown until
fairly recently. Most
coral reef work has been done from shore dives or using small
boats. Often
we worked under primitive conditions with only basic improvised
support. This
vessel can handle the normal oceanographic operations but
is unique in that it can support any type of inshore biological
survey with two large jet boats and the smaller Zodiak inflatable
boat. Further, the ship is fully equipped
to support SCUBA diving operations. A large wet lab
and dry lab are available for our use. The accommodations
and other facilities are very nice. But
most important of all is the crew. The crew members
work very hard to support the research and are very knowledgeable
of our operations. They launch
and recover the boats, take us to the sites and assist us
in so many ways. We
have a very knowledgeable dive safety officer and medical
support staff with a decompression chamber and operators
to cover us in case of a diving-related emergency. All
of the crew are expert in this type of inshore operation
and work hard to insure our safety and to enable us to accomplish
our mission. They
really know their jobs and are enabling us to do our job
5. What are your areas of interest,
or your expertise?
I am expert in coral reef biology. My
work involves assessment of the condition of coral reefs
and their future in a time of global climate change. In
the early 1970’s I published papers on response of
corals to temperature which are very important now due to
the increasing frequency and severity of coral bleaching
events believed to be the result of global warming. I
have done extensive work on sedimentation, UV radiation,
water motion, low salinity foods, storm impact and other
factors that impact corals and coral reefs. I
also have been concerned with distribution of organisms on
the reefs throughout the world (biogeography) and the mechanisms
controlling these distributions. I
have published a number of research papers on how reef organisms
disperse over long distances by rafting on floating pumice
and other floating objects.
6. What excites you about working
with these organisms?
Yesterday while doing my underwater
survey work at Gardiner Pinnacles I was visited by curious
endangered Hawaiian Monk Seals, groups of sharks, a school
of hundreds of chubs and untold other species. There
is no human that would not get excited if they were in my
place. The experience is expansive and takes
one outside of the little world that we normally occupy. John
Denver said it best in his tribute to the men of the Calypso
when he wrote “To live
on the land we must learn from the sea”. These
reefs of the NWHI are a great research challenge to all of
us and provide inspiration and insights to the meaning of
life and our future survival on this tiny planet.
7. Any favorite
stories about a particularly unique organism from your field
of interest, such as a unique story of working with them,
their ecology or unique adaptation the organism may have?
years ago I participated with Dr. Chris Kelley of the Hawaii
Undersea Research Laboratory on a bottom fish survey
off Oahu using the submersible Pisces V. We were making
observations of the bottom communities in dark cold waters
at a depth of 800 m when suddenly a magnificent face appeared
in my viewing port. It
was a very large and very old Hapu`upu`u (Epinephelus quernus),
commonly called grouper or sea bass, which only occurs in
Hawaii. For a
long time we stared at each other eyeball to eyeball seemingly
from different worlds but sharing a common curiosity about
each other. The fish was blocking
my view and would not go away. This great fish was
peering into its fishbowl containing three humans. Who
is the observer and who is being observed? I
was so amused by it all. The fish could not live in
my environment and certainly I could not withstand the pressure
of his environment. Totally
different worlds on both sides of the glass and yet here
are two living conscious organisms from planet earth and
planet ocean that are somehow aware of each other. We
are all connected.
here for maps of the region