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Census of Marine Life, Census of Coral Reefs Expedition to French Frigate Shoals (October 2006)

Ship Logs

Articficial Reef Matrix Structures (ARMS)
(note: ARMS are not currently permitted. 10/6/06)

Lead Scientist: Joel Martin, Russell Brainard
Target Habitats: Forereef, Backreef, Lagoonal Patch Reef
Target Organisms: Sessile and mobile epifauna

epifauna: organisms living on a surface that can either be mobile or permanently attached (sessile)

ARMS are small, long-term collecting devices designed to mimic, to some degree, the structural complexity of a coral reef, thus attracting colonizing invertebrates and fishes over the period during which the ARMS are left in the field. The term ARMS was coined by Zimmerman and Martin (2004) in a paper describing how they are constructed, deployed, and harvested. The original design involved several layers of concrete with different sized openings and a variety of microhabitats to allow different occupants to colonize the structure. This design also included a mesh basket suspended from a PVC frame; the basket contained coral rubble and was set flush with the surrounding substrate, the idea being that any escaping invertebrates would flee the ARMS only to be caught in the underlying basket (Zimmerman & Martin 2004; Martin 2002). We may be deploying a similar device, but with a much less complicated construction, made of PVC, in order to avoid over-collecting and will not include a rubble basket. Each of the ARMS will be 14" x 18" x 8". Layers (9"x9") include flat sandwich and layers with holes of varying sizes ranging from 3/4" to 3/32" in diameter. The design, shape and size of the ARMs are such that they and their deployment, pose no threat to monk seals or turtles. A total of 12 ARMS may be deployed at three separate habitat types in three different ecozones (Vroom 2005) in FFS. Three replicates will be deployed at each site of the same depth and habitat type (fore reef 10-25 m to avoid threats associated with the wave base). These deployment sites will be associated with CRED’s already established REA sites from the Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program. To compare the biota of other habitats, 2 each will be deployed at two lagoon patch reef sites, plus 1 each at two back reef sites. They will be placed on pavement or sand, in proximity to coral reef structures, specifically to avoid coral damage. The ARMS may be deployed by CRED working divers using lift bags and will be installed using stainless steel stakes and/or weights to insure that they remain in place at French Frigate Shoals for the duration of 1-2 years. A GPS point will be taken for each of the ARMS and subsurface floats will be attached one meter above to facilitate diver location when the ARMS are to be picked up. The Coral Reef Ecosystem Division of the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center will be responsible for maintaining and removing the installations (if they are deployed) during a follow-up NWHI RAMP cruise.

Articficial Reef Matrix Structure
(Dimensions: 9" L x 9" W x 7.3 " H, Plate (red) 14" x 18 ")

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