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July 2007 Expedition Research Projects

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Project: Algae
Researchers: Cheryl Squair, Kate Cullison
Affiliation: University of Hawaii, Department of Botany
Description: Crustose coralline algae are hard, calcified algae that build much of the reef structure.  These organisms are poorly understood despite their major ecological role in Hawaiian reefs.   This study will allow scientists to better assess the function of these organisms including photosynthetic response.

Project: Deep-water Drop Camera
Researchers: Jeff Drazen, John Yeh
Affiliation: University of Hawaii, Department of Oceanography
Description: This project will explore deep-sea communities through a series of time-lapse images collected by deploying a digital camera to depths up to 2.5 miles.  This depth range has not been studied in the Monument for more than 100 years.  As scientists begin documenting these habitats, they will likely find previously unknown species.  

Project: Genetic Analysis of Fish and Invertebrates
Researchers: Fish—Randy Kosaki, Luiz Rocha, Joshua Reece, Carl Meyer, Yannis Papastamatiou, Toby Daly-Engel; Invertebrates—Scott  Godwin, Greg Concepcion, Derek Skillings
Affiliation: University of Hawaii, HIMB
Description: Researchers will obtain DNA from reef fish and invertebrates to examine the genetic connections of populations across the Hawaiian Archipelago.   Using biopsy samples collected at different locations, researchers can determine if populations are genetically linked.  This information helps managers understand the range and extent of a population so that it can be effectively managed to help maintain ecosystem function. 

Project: Predator Tagging
Researchers: Carl Meyer, Randy Kosaki, Luiz Rocha, Joshua Reece, Yannis Papastamatiou, Toby Daly-Engel
Affiliation: University of Hawaii, HIMB
Description: Scientists will place tracking tags on large apex predators such as sharks, jacks, and grey snappers to monitor the movements of these animals.  This data helps managers to better understand habitat range and behavioral patterns that may be important for their protection.  

Project: Habitat Characterization
Researchers: Paul Jokiel, Erik Franklin, Craig Musberger
Affiliation: University of Hawaii, HIMB
Description: One of the most important needs for research in the NWHI is to determine the diversity, distribution, and abundance of marine habitats within these complex ecosystems.  Overlaying biological information on habitat maps provides managers with a valuable decision-making tool grounded in rigorous science.

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Coral bleaching

Galapagos shark

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