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Aboard R/V Townsend Cromwell (click here)

Aboard Rapture:

Chief Scientist: Randall Kosaki, Ph.D, Science Coordinator, Department of Land and Natural Resouces Aquatic Resources Division
Expedition Manager: `Aulani Wilhelm, Assistant Reserve Coordinator, NWHI Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve
Dive Supervisor: Greg McFall, Science Coordinator, Grays Reef, NOAA National Ocean Service, National Marine Sanctuary Program
NOAA Observer: Todd Jacobs, Regional Coordinator, NOAA National Ocean Service, National Marine Sanctuary Program
Webmaster and Onboard Network Administrator: Andy Collins, Education Coordinator, NWHI Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve

Science Teams
Rapid Ecological Assessment (REA) Team A:
Alan Friedlander, Ph.D (Team Leader), Oceanic Institute
Donald Potts, Ph.D., coral biologist, University of California at Santa Cruz
Dwayne Minton, Ph.D, invertebrate biologist, National Park Service
Kimberly Peyton, algae biologist, graduate student, University of Hawai`i - Manoa
Kanekoa Schultz, algae biologist, graduate student, University of Hawai`i - Manoa
Daniel Okumura, fish biologist, Research Corporation of the University of Hawai`i
Mark Albins, fish biologist, undergraduate student, University of Hawai`i -- Hilo

REA Team B:
Karla McDermid, Ph.D (Team Leader) algae biologist, Professor, University of Hawai`i at Hilo
Greta Aeby, Ph.D., coral biologist, Department of Land and Natural Resouces, Aquatic Resources Division
Anuschka Faucci, invertebrate biologist, graduate student, University of Hawai`i - Manoa
Todd Wass, fish biologist, Research Corporation of the University of Hawai`i
Kara Osada, fish biologist, undergraduate student, University of Hawai`i - Hilo
Brooke Stuercke, algae biologist, research assistant, University of Hawai`i at Hilo

Intertidal REA Team
Larry Basch, Ph.D, (Team Leader) invertebrate biologist, National Park Service
Jeremy Polloi, algae biologist, undergraduate student, University of Hawai`i at Hilo

Coral Monitoring:
Jim Maragos, Ph.D, (Team Leader) coral biologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Marjo Vierros, Ph.D, data manager/gap analyst, post-doctoral researcher, University of California at Santa Cruz
Daria Siciliano, hyperspectral imaging, graduate student, University of California at Santa Cruz

Maritime Archaeology:
Hans Van Tilburg, Ph.D. (Team Leader) Lecturer, University of Hawai`i at Manoa
Suzanne Finney, graduate student, University of Hawai`i at Manoa
Marc Hughes, graduate student, University of Hawai`i at Hilo

Terrestrial Team:
Elizabeth Flint, Ph.D. (Team Leader), Refuge Biologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Cindy Rehkemper, Biologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Alex Wegmann, Field Biologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Moani Pai, Program Assistant, NWHI Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve
Ethan Shiinoki, Field Biologist, Department of Land and Natural Resouces Forestry and Wildife Division
Reginald David, Ph.D, ornithologist, independent researcher
Monte Costa, photographer, Monte Costa Photograpy

Education Team:
Andy Collins (Team Leader), Education Coordinator, NWHI Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve
Nainoa Thompson, President, Polynesian Voyaging Society
Na`alehu Anthony, Videographer, Bishop Museum contractor
Bonnie Kahape`a, Teacher, Halau Ku Mana Charter School
Scott Kekuewa Kikiloi, graduate student, University of Hawai`i at Manoa
Mark Heckman, Community Enrichment Coordinator, Waikiki Aquarium
Ann Hudgins, Educator, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Documentation Team:
`Aulani Wilhelm (Team Leader), Assistant Reserve Coordinator, NWHI Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve
Jim Watt, photographer
Mike May, videographer
Carlos Eyles, writer
Kaliko Amona, graduate intern, NWHI Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve

Dr. Robert Overlock
Dr. John Elder

Honolulu Support Team:
Robert P. Smith, Reserve Coordinator, NWHI Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve
Athline Clark, NWHI Liaison, Department of Land and Natural Resouces Aquatic Resources Division
Malia Chow, NOWRAMP Coordinator, University of Hawai`i Sea Grant College Program
Mokihana Oliveira, Office Manager, NWHI Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve
Diane Ahuna, Administrative Assistant, NWHI Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve

Web Site Support Team:
Dan Suthers, Faculty, Dept. of Information and Computer Science, University of Hawai`i
Laura Girardeau, Junior Researcher, Dept. of Information and Computer Science, University of Hawai`i
Troy Antonelis, Graduate Intern, Department of Land and Natural Resouces Aquatic Resources Division

Ship Crew:
Scott McClung, Captain
Noah Bailey, Chief Engineer
Gregg Walker, First Mate
Chris Halsted, Second Mate
Alex Turner-Gerlach, Engineer
Keoki Stender, Dive Officer
Yuko Stender, Educator/Biologist
Anthony Grey, Chief Deckhand
Jeff Rosaler, Deckhand
Matt Grey, Deckhand
Bryan Turner-Gerlach, Deckhand
Dave Boone, Deckhand
Oliver Stone, Deckhand
Phil Polanco, Chef
John Flaherty, Chef

Aboard R/V Townsend Cromwell

Science Team:
Rusty Brainard, Ph.D., oceanographer, is the Chief Scientist aboard the TOWNSEND CROMWELL and is responsible for organizing and managing the scientific aspects of the cruise. Rusty is the Chief of the Coral Reef Ecosystem Investigation at NOAA Fisheries' Honolulu Laboratory. During the cruise, Rusty is a member of the Towboard Team which conducts towed diver habitat/fish surveys in shallow water areas around each of the islands and atolls of the NWHI. He is also a member of the Mooring Team which deploys an array of oceanographic instruments to measure and transmit observations of oceanographic conditions for the next year.

Ed DeMartini, Ph.D., fishery biologist, is the leader of the Fish REA Team conducting rapid ecological assessments of fish diversity, abundance, size and distribution. Ed is task leader of the Fish Life History group at NOAA Fisheries' Honolulu Laboratory and leads the reef fish assessments for the Coral Reef Ecosystem Investigation.

Robert Schroeder, Ph.D., fishery biologist, is a key member of the Fish REA Team conducting rapid ecological assessments of fish diversity, abundance, size and distribution. Bob is a senior reef fish biologist with the University of Hawaii Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research working with the Coral Reef Ecosystem Investigation at Honolulu Laborotory.

Jean Kenyon, Ph.D., coral reef ecologist, is the coral expert of the Benthic Team conducting rapid ecological assessments of coral diversity, abundance, size and distribution. Jean is a coral reef ecologist with the University of Hawaii Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research working with the Coral Reef Ecosystem Investigation at Honolulu Laboratory. In addition to conducting the coral surveys on the benthic REAs, Jean is leading efforts during the cruise to deploy arrays of settlement/recruitment plates at each of the oceanographic mooring sites to examine settlement rates of corals, other invertebrates and algae over time. Jean is also collecting small specimens of Acropora corals to examine their sexual reproduction status.

Peter Vroom, Ph.D., phycologist, is the leader of the algae component of the Benthic Team conducting rapid ecological assessments of algal diversity, adundance and distribution. Peter is presently a post-doc at the University of Hawaii Botany Department working with the Coral Reef Ecosystem Investigation at Honolulu Laboratory. Peter is leading CREI efforts to assess marine algal communities establishing a phycology lab at Honolulu Laboratory.

Stephani Holzwarth, M.S., marine ecosystem specialist, is a member of the Tow Team conducting towed diver fish assessments and a member of the Mooring Team which is deploying an array of oceanographic moorings to observe long term changes in ocean conditions effecting reef health. Stephani is a marine ecosystem specialist with the University of Hawaii Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research working with the Coral Reef Ecosystem Investigation at Honolulu Laboratory. In addition to her dive duties with the Tow Team and Mooring Team, Stephani enters and plots all of the station locations and towboard tracks in our Geographic Information System.

Brian Zgliczynski, biological technician, is a member of the Tow Team conducting towed diver fish assessments and a member of the Mooring Team which is deploying an array of oceanographic moorings to observe long term changes in ocean conditions effecting reef health. Brian is a biological technician with the Coral Reef Ecosystem Investigation at NOAA Fisheries' Honolulu Laboratory assisting with the analysis of towed diver fish surveys and cruise preparations for CREI cruise activities.

Joe Chojnacki, marine debris specialist, is a member of the Tow Team conducting towed diver habitat surveys and a member of the Mooring Team which is deploying an array of oceanographic moorings to observe long term changes in ocean conditions effecting reef health. Joe is an employee of Aquatic Farms under contract to the Coral Reef Ecosystem Investigation to assist with efforts to remove marine debris and derelict fishing gear from the reefs and beaches of the NWHI. Joe will be starting graduate school at the University of Hawaii in the Spring.

Jon Winsley, ocean engineer, is a member of the Habitat Mapping and Characterization Team conducting acoustic seabed classification and towed camera surveys of the deeper coral reef waters of the NWHI. Jon is a graduate student at the University of Hawaii in Ocean Engineering working with the Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research with the Coral Reef Ecosystem Investigation. Jon built the second generation Tethered Optical Assessment Device (TOAD) which we are using to collect digital images of the bottom in depths to about 70 meters.

Kim Page, marine debris specialist, is a member of the Benthic REA Team conducting rapid ecological assessments of marine algaes with Peter Vroom. Kim is an employee of Aquatic Farms under contract to the Coral Reef Ecosystem Investigation to assist with efforts to remove marine debris and derelict fishing gear from the reefs and beaches of the NWHI. Kim will be starting graduate school at the University of Hawaii in the Spring in the Botany Department.

Steve Cotton, fish biologist, is a member of the Fish REA Team conducting rapid ecological assessments of fish diversity, abundance, size and distribution. For the cruise, Steve is working with the Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research for the Coral Reef Ecosystem Investigation. Steve normally works on the Big Island for the State of Hawaii's Divsion of Aquatic Resources conducting fish surveys of West Hawaii.

Scott Godwin, invertebrate specialist, is the invertebrate specialist of the Benthic REA Team conducting rapid ecological assessments of the marine invertebrate communities of the NWHI. Scott works with the Bishop Museum and receives partial support from the Coral Reef Ecosystem Investigation to perform invertebrate surveys of the U.S. Pacific Island coral reefs.

FFS - Ulua. Photo by Jim Watt.

Spotted Knifejaw

Gardner Pinnacles.

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