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Ship Logs

The Modern "Pacific" Craft
Tern Island, French Frigate Shoals
Posted by Dr. Hans Van Tilburg, Maritime Archaeology and History Team Leader
September 15, 2002

Starbord side of Landing Craft.  Photo by Suzanne S. Finney.A couple days ago at French Frigate Shoals we had the opportunity to dive in an area near Tern Island. We were most interested in seeing something there referred to as "the barge." Typically, where there are barges disposed of, there are other items of maritime interest. Once in the water and under 20 feet in the clear calm setting, the overturned barge revealed…twin screws and rudders! The large steel bow ramp identified this vessel as a landing craft, more specifically a type known as an LCVP (landing craft vehicle personnel), one of the ubiquitous utility and assault vessel introduced to the Pacific during World War II. Amphibious landings were, of course, central to operations during the Pacific war, and subsequently these kinds of landing craft and their sunken remains are scattered all over the region. After the war such vessels found use in many locations, for they need no dock or harbor, carrying their own "landing" with them. One other thing: the overturned landing craft makes an excellent home for six white tipped reef sharks.

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