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2006/ Days 5-6
Trilateration in Maritime Archaeology
By Paulo Maurin, University of Hawaii and
Dena Deck, Alumni NOAA Teacher-at-Sea, Bellflower Unified School District Teacher

Maritime Archaeology Team members: Dr. Kelly Gleason, Lindsey Thomas, Dr. Hans Van Tilburg, Tane Casserley, Robert Schwemmer, Brenda Altmeier. Photo: Paulo Maurin
In maritime archaeology, as well as in real estate, is all about location, location, location. Whereas in
the towns and cities we use roads to locate a house, when studying a shipwreck, maritime archeologists use
a method called “trilateration.” Dr. Hans Van Tilburg, Pacific Islands Region Maritime Heritage Program
Coordinator, explains “trilateration is the technique we use to record the precise position of artifacts
and their distribution on a wreck site. It’s a hands-on, relatively simple method for divers to map out
these artifacts on the bottom.” A shipwreck, much like a car accident, is often the product of a violent
event. And once a ship is on the ocean’s bottom, wood decomposes and metals rust. The remains of a ship
are scattered by currents and inhabited by animals. It often takes many years, hundreds of years sometimes,
before these remains are seen again. A shipwreck no longer resembles its original shape, and its many
parts are found far from the original structure, and some are never found again. How would you locate
all these remnants?

A mock shipwreck survey takes place on the stern of the ship to demonstrate
research techniques that will be used underwater. Photo: Paulo Maurin
First, start with a baseline. A baseline is a temporary line, a reference
for the position of all artifacts in its vicinity. It consists of a
measuring tape placed temperately at the bottom of
the sea floor near the wreck. Once this baseline is set, transect tapes are
used to measure the distance to every artifact. For objects within 3
meters (approx. 10 feet) of this baseline, a
single transect line is used, placed at right angles to the baseline. For
objects which are farther away, two transect lines are placed, each
beginning at different points on the baseline,
forming a triangle. This triangle can be relocated on graph paper, plotting
each artifact’s
position with accuracy. For small objects, only one reference point is required
(one triangle). For larger objects, such as an anchor, two reference
points are used to have an idea of the size
and orientation of the artifact, each point requiring two transect lines
and yielding two triangles. For each transect line, the distance from
the baseline is measured and drawn, underwater, on
water-proof paper. At the end of a dive, all measures and drawings are combined
into a single diagram of the wreck. What can you find at a shipwreck?
Cannons, anchors, boiler pieces, fasteners,
and rigging!
Find, locate, measure, draw. It might sound simple enough, but when you are working
with a team of people underwater, communication is limited. Everyone on
the team has done this before, but not
together. Dr. Van Tilburg mentions the importance of team practice by noting
that “Some
of [the] team
is from Florida, some from the West coast, but it’s good for us to practice this
because we all have our tricks and gimmicks and we want to make sure we are
on the same page of who’s
doing what underwater, because you do this these things on dry land, it all seems
very simple, but as you well know, when you
get on the water, everything gets twice as difficult.”

Student map of a shipwreck off Lanai, Hawai`i.
Photo: University of Hawai`i Marine Option Program
Because the amount of artifacts related to a wreck are large, and bottom time is limited, marine
archaeology teams often cannot fully catalog an entire site on a single cruise, and often have to
come back to it several times. When dedicated teams of scientists return to the neighborhood to
continue work, they grow more familiar with the area and artifact, a site of past human history
and tragedy under the waves. It’s all about location, location, location.