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Day 11: A Hawaiian Monk Seal Named KHOO

A large male Hawaiian monk seal swims by patrolling the beach while we were standing on the Green Island pier. Photo: Claire Johnson/NOAA

A large male Hawaiian monk seal swims by patrolling the beach while we were standing on the Green Island pier.
Photo: Claire Johnson/NOAA

A sandy beach of Green Island at Kure Atoll that monk seals enjoy lounging on.  Photo: Claire Johnson/NOAA

A sandy beach of Green Island at Kure Atoll that monk seals enjoy lounging on.
Photo: Claire Johnson/NOAA

Day 12: Legs of Steel: Bird Banding on Green Island


Dena Deck, mastering the skill of banding a Laysan Albatross. Photo: Paulo Maurin

Dena Deck, mastering the skill of banding a Laysan Albatross.
Photo: Paulo Maurin


Claire practices her technique of bird banding on Green Island.  Photo: Patricia Greene

Claire practices her technique of bird banding on Green Island.
Photo: Patricia Greene

The Jerry Lee Lewis “hair-do” on a favorite Laysan Albatross.  Photo: Paulo Maurin

The Jerry Lee Lewis “hair-do” on a favorite Laysan Albatross. Photo: Paulo Maurin


One of the many “hair-dos” of the Laysan Albatross chicks.  We call this one the Abe Lincoln.  Photo: Paulo Maurin

One of the many “hair-dos” of the Laysan Albatross chicks. We call this one the Abe Lincoln.
Photo: Paulo Maurin


A Laysan Albatross fledgling practices how to take flight.  Photo: Claire Johnson/NOAA

A Laysan Albatross fledgling practices how to take flight. Photo: Claire Johnson/NOAA


Day 15: March of the Albatross--In the Remotest Place on Earth, Love Finds a Way

A young and inquisitive Laysan Albatross chick.  Photo: Paulo Maurin

A young and inquisitive Laysan Albatross chick.
Photo: Paulo Maurin

A parent feeds a hungry albatross chick in Kure Atoll.  Photo: Claire Johnson/NOAA

A parent feeds a hungry albatross chick on Kure Atoll.
Photo: Claire Johnson/NOAA


Another day at the beach for a couple of Laysan Albatross. Photo: Paulo Maurin

Another day at the beach for a couple of Laysan Albatross. Photo: Paulo Maurin


Plastic items found inside a dead albatross chick. Photo: Paulo Maurin

Plastic items found inside a dead albatross chick.
Photo: Paulo Maurin


A Laysan Albatross contemplates a Kure sunset. Photo: Paulo Maurin

A Laysan Albatross contemplates a Kure sunset.
Photo: Paulo Maurin


Day 15: Death of a Laysan Albatross Chick


Cynthia Vanderlip selects a newly dead Laysan Albatross to perform a necropsy.  Photo: Claire Johnson/NOAA

Cynthia Vanderlip selects a newly dead Laysan Albatross to perform a necropsy.
Photo: Claire Johnson/NOAA

Rinsing 306 pieces of plastic debris from the albatross chick.  Photo: Claire Johnson/NOAA

Rinsing 306 pieces of plastic debris from the albatross chick.
Photo: Claire Johnson/NOAA


A recently expired Laysan Albatross chick with its belly full of plastic.  Photo: Claire Johnson/NOAA

A recently expired Laysan Albatross chick with its belly full of plastic.
Photo: Claire Johnson/NOAA

Patty Greene sorts through the 306 pieces of plastic debris found in a Laysan Albatross chick on Green Island.  Photo: Claire Johnson/NOAA

Patty Greene sorts through the 306 pieces of plastic debris found in a Laysan Albatross chick on Green Island.
Photo: Claire Johnson/NOAA


Day 16: Underwater Village

A small head of cauliflower coral (Pocillopora meandrina) acts as a coral condominium for fish like the Hawaiian domina damselfish pictured.  Photo: Ellyn Tong

A small head of cauliflower coral (Pocillopora meandrina) acts as a coral condominium for fish like the Hawaiian domina damselfish pictured. Photo: Ellyn Tong

Three juvenile amberjack (Seriola dumerili) taking up residence under the legs of a dead Laysan Albatross chick.  Photo: Ellyn Tong

Three juvenile amberjack (Seriola dumerili) taking up residence under the legs of a dead Laysan Albatross chick. Photo: Ellyn Tong


Thick finger coral (Porites duerdeni) provides shelter for a wide variety of reef fish.  Photo: Claire Johnson/NOAA

 Thick finger coral (Porites duerdeni) provides shelter for a wide variety of reef fish.
Photo: Claire Johnson/NOAA

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