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HURL 2002

Ship Logs

HURL is currently at Northampton Seamount, and NOAA's Ocean Exlporer site is following their activities there. Click here to go to NOAA's Ocean Explorer website

ROV Dive (9/17/02)
Posted by Rachel Shackelford

First Dive
Posted by Sean Corson

Wierd Sponges (9/14/02)
Posted by Rachel Shackelford

Inner Space Ship
Posted by Ray Boland

First Impressions
Posted by Ray Boland

Driving the Sub (9/13/02)
Posted by Rachel Shackelford

Update from the KOK(9/9/02)
Posted by Rachel Shackelford














Gold coral.  Image by HURL.

Occupied sponge. Click here for story.

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