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by Carlie Wiener

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Carlie Wiener
Carlie Wiener

Aloha, welcome to thePapahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. My name is Carlie Wiener, and for the next few weeks I will be sharing my experiences participating on a research trip to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. I will be following four groups of scientists while out here, communicating their projects and shadowing what they are doing. This excursion will include Dr. Stephen Carl and his researchers who are looking at coral health and genetic relatedness, Dr. Rob Toonen and his team who are searching for invertebrates to investigate in terms of species richness and abundance, Dr. Carl Myer’s group who will be tagging predators such as sharks and Dr. Hans Van Tilburg and the maritime heritage group who will be investigating and mapping shipwreck sites. I will also highlight what ship life is like and how it feels to be out at sea. Please feel free to read the daily logs, interviews, or submit any questions for myself or the scientists online. We will do our best to answer them as quickly as possible. From the NOAA Hi‘ialakai ship a hui hou!

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Coral bleaching

Galapagos shark

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