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Day 2 - Getting used to the ship

by Carlie Wiener

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Sleeping quarters
Sleeping quarters. Credit: Carlie Wiener

Last night was a new sleeping experience for me, rolling back and forth throughout the night. The ship will be in transit all day today, which gives the group some time to work out research details and get acquainted with the ship. One of the most important focuses for the ship’s crew is safety. We started off the morning with an inspection of all the dive gear, ensuring that everything was in working order for the dives.

Inspecting dive gear
Dive gear inspection. Credit: Carlie Wiener

The dive master on board also took the scientists through a bunch of safety drills, making sure they knew how to board and place someone in the decompression chamber. It was surprising to see how large the decompression chamber on the ship was. This chamber is important to have as it could help save a diver’s life in the case of an emergency.

Practice decompression
Practicing a dive decompression in the chamber. Credit: Carlie Wiener

The ship is beginning to seem a little smaller now, after spending 24 hours getting to explore my surroundings. The creaky noises have subsided into the background and the large machinery has become familiar. This afternoon we ran some safety drills, it was very amusing watching people get into their safety suits.

Surviva suit test
Getting into the survival suits. Credit: Carlie Wiener

The scientists discuss amongst themselves the different sites that they will be visiting at our first stop, and what they plan to look for. The late afternoon turns very quiet as people work busily at their laptops, we are all anxious to arrive at our destination. From the Hi‘ialakai a hui hou!

Sunny day at sea
Sunny day at sea. Credit Carlie Wiener.

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Coral bleaching

Galapagos shark

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