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NWHI RAMP 2004 Sail Plan

Sept. 13

Departure from Honolulu Harbor, afternoon training off the leeward (west) coast of Oahu, including deployment/retrieval of launches, execution of towboard and REA diving operations, and night operations. Depart Oahu at 2000 and transit to French Frigate Shoals. Actual: Delayed by broken refrigerator and harbor traffic, we departed the harbor at 16:00, so reduced training operations to launches only. Back on schedule at 20:00.

Sept. 14-15 Transit
Sept. 16-19 Arrive French Frigate Shoals early a.m. Conduct towed diver fish and habitat surveys and benthic and fish REAs. Recover and replace CREWS buoy and four existing STRs. Conduct shallow water CTD, PRRs, water sampling, and QTC acoustic seabed habitat classifications, towed camera surveys, CTDs, ADCP and bioacoustic surveys, and bottom grabs during nighttime hours.
Sept. 19 Depart French Frigate Shoals 1800, transit to Gardner Pinnacles (~120 nmi)
Sept. 20 Arrive Gardner Pinnacles early a.m., conduct towed diver fish and habitat survey and benthic and fish REAs. Replace wave and tide recorder or STR, deploy drifter (#3), and conduct shallow water CTD, PRRs, water sampling. Conduct shipboard CTD during daylight hours. Depart Gardner 1700, transit to Maro Reef (~150 nmi).
Sept. 21-23 Arrive Maro Reef 0800, conduct towed diver fish and habitat surveys and fish and benthic REAs; recover and replace CREWS buoy and STR. Conduct shallow water CTD, PRRs, water sampling, and QTC acoustic seabed habitat classifications, towed camera TOAD surveys, CTDs, ADCP transects, and bottom grab samples during nighttime hours. Depart Maro 2400, transit to Laysan Island (~70 nmi).
Sept. 24-25 Arrive Laysan Island 0700, conduct towed diver fish and habitat surveys and fish and benthic REAs and recover and replace SST buoy during daylight hours. Deploy STRs (2) in shallow pools on southeast and north sides of island. Conduct shallow water CTD, PRRs, water sampling, and QTC acoustic seabed habitat classifications, towed camera (TOAD) surveys, CTDs, ADCP and bioacoustic surveys, and bottom grab samples during nighttime hours. Deploy drifter (#4). Transit to Pearl and Hermes Atoll (250 nmi).
Sept. 26 Transit
Sept. 27-Oct. 1 Arrive Pearl and Hermes Atoll to conduct towed diver fish and habitat surveys, and fish and benthic REAs; recover and replace CREWS buoy and STRs(5) during daylight hours. Conduct shallow water CTD, PRRs, water sampling, and QTC acoustic seabed habitat classifications, towed camera (TOAD) surveys, CTDs, ADCP and bioacoustic surveys, and bottom grab samples during nighttime hours. Depart Pearl and Hermes 2300, transit to Midway Atoll (~90 nmi).
Oct. 2 Arrive Midway Atoll 0800, conduct towed diver habitat surveys and fish and benthic REAs. Recover and replace SST buoy and STRs (4) during daylight hours as time allows. Depart Midway 2400, transit to Kure Atoll (60 nmi).
Oct. 3-5 Arrive Kure Atoll 0700, conduct towed diver fish and habitat surveys, fish and benthic REAs; and recover and replace CREWS buoy, ODP, and STRs (2), during daylight hours. Conduct shallow water CTD, PRRs, water sampling, and QTC acoustic seabed habitat classifications, towed camera (TOAD) surveys, CTDs, ADCP transects, and bottom grab samples during nighttime hours. Deploy drifter (#6). Depart Kure 2300, transit to Lisianski (300 nmi).
Oct. 6-7 Arrive Midway Atoll 0800, conduct towed diver habitat surveys and fish and benthic REAs. Recover and replace SST buoy and STRs (4) during daylight hours as time allows. Depart Midway 2400, transit to Lisianski (240 nmi).
Oct. 8 Transit
Oct. 9-11 Arrive Lisianski Island/Neva Shoals 0700, conduct towed diver fish and habitat surveys and fish and benthic REAs; recover and replace SST buoy and STR during daylight hours. Conduct shallow water CTD, PRRs, water sampling, and QTC acoustic seabed habitat classifications, towed camera (TOAD) surveys, CTDs, ADCP and bioacoustic surveys, and bottom grab samples during nighttime hours. Transit to Mokumanamana (540 nmi).
Oct. 12-13 Transit
Oct. 14 Arrive Mokumanamana 0900, replace ODP and SST buoy. Conduct benthic and fish REAs, towed diver surveys, QTC acoustic and TOAD benthic habitat mapping surveys, shipboard CTDs, ADCP, and bioacoustic surveys. Deploy drifter (#2). Depart Mokumanamana 1800 and transit to Nihoa (160 nmi).
Oct. 15 Arrive Nihoa 0900.
Oct. 16 Transit
Oct. 17 Arrive Honolulu early a.m. End of cruise. Disembark all scientific staff.

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