Hi`ialakai Plan of the Day
Cruise HI-04-01
Date: Sept 29, 2004 (Wednesday)
0000 - 0600 Conduct camera tows and CTD's per Night
Operations sheet.
0730 Launch site near 27/44.3 N and 175/57.0 W.
* HI-1 - REA work at sites 31, 32, and R42.
* HI-2 - Mooring Team.
* HI-3 - Tow team operations around southwest
corner of the reef.
1230 Ship meets HI-3 near launch site to change out
1430 M/V Casitas will shuttle crewmembers, 10 at a
time, to HI'IALAKAI for a tour. Twenty
crewmembers will be touring the ship.
1530 Complete tours.
1600 Stagger the recovery of boats near the second
launch site. HI-2 returns at 1630, followed by
HI-1 at 1635, and HI-3 at 1640.
(refer to Night Ops sheet for locations)
1800 - 0000 Conduct TOAD camera tows at stations
around Pearl and Hermes.
0000 - 0600 Conduct 2 CTD's in > 500 m water.
Movies for this evening: (Both will start at 1730 and
again at 2000.)
* Harry Potter: Azkabon
* Magnum Force
CDR Scott E. Kuester,
Commanding Officer