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Ship Logs
You are here: /main/research/NWHI RAMP 2004/ship logs/9/28/04

Hi`ialakai Plan of the Day

Cruise HI-04-01
Date: Sept 28, 2004 (Tuesday)
0000 - 0600 Conduct camera tows and CTD's per Night
            Operations sheet. 
0730 Launch site near 27/44.3 N and 175/57.0 W.
* HI-3 - Tow team operations around southern area of
  the reef.
0800	Transit to next launch site.
0830	Launch site near 27/46.5 N and 175/52.0 W.
* HI-1 - REA work at sites 22, 30, and 33.
* HI-2 - Mooring Team.
* HI-5 - Fish Team.
Approx. 0930 Remove three empty fuel drums from storage
rack.  Unscrew the fuel vent and ready for transport to
M/V Casitas.
Approx. 1230 Ship meets HI-3 near second launch site to
drop off equipment and personnel.  Load three empty
fuel drums into HI-3 to transport to M/V Casitas.  HI-3
transports 3 loaded fuel drums back to HI'IALAKAI.
1615 to 1700 - Stagger the recovery of boats near the
second launch site.  HI-5 should be back at 1615,
followed by HI-1 at 1630, then HI-2 at 1635.
(refer to Night Ops sheet for locations)
1800 - 0000 Conduct towed camera TOAD stations around
            Pearl and Hermes.
0000 - 0600  Conduct 2 CTD's  in > 500 m water. 
* Today [9/27] was a good test of small boat
  launch/recovery operations in a fairly large swell (6
  to 8 ft with occasional 10 footers.)  Both the Deck
  Dept. and scientists did a terrific job in SAFELY
  getting the boats back aboard.  The Chief Bosun was
  very pleased.
* Glad to hear that Elizabeth is better after her
  run-in with a stinging hydroid.
* Please use the recycling bins for aluminum cans.
  They have been located on the Bridge, 01 Passageway,
  and in the Forward Crews Mess.  Mother Nature thanks
Movies for this evening: (Both will start at 1730 and
again at 2000.)
* Girl Next Door
* Porky's
                                 CDR Scott E. Kuester,
                                 Commanding Officer
Ship Logs

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