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Ship Logs
You are here: /main/research/NWHI RAMP 2004/ship logs/9/27/04

Hi`ialakai Plan of the Day

Cruise HI-04-01
Date: Sept 27, 2004 (Monday)
0000 - 0600 Conduct camera tows and CTD's per Night
            Operations sheet. 
0730 Launch site near 27/57.7 N and 175/43.8 W.
* HI-2 Mooring Team.
* HI-3 - Tow team operations around northern area of
  the reef.
0800 Transit to next launch site.
0840 - Launch site near 27/58.5 N and 175/48.5 W.
* HI-1 - REA work at sites 24, 26, and R39.
* HI-5 Education/Outreach team.
Mid-Day - Ship meets HI-3 near second launch site to
change out equipment.
1600 to 1700 - Stagger the recovery of boats near the
second launch site.  HI-5 should be back at 1600,
followed by HI-1 at 1625, then HI-2 at 1635, and HI-3
at 1640.
(refer to Night Ops sheet for locations)
1800 - 0000 Conduct towed camera TOAD stations around
            Pearl and Hermes.
0000 - 0600 Conduct 2 CTD's in > 500 m water.
If the weather holds and we go to Midway...
Win a $30.00 gift certificate to Best Buy
(exp. 12/11/04).  All you have to do is have the
closest guess for when the first line is passed ashore
in Midway.  The Furuno GPS Navigator on the bridge will
be the official clock.  A single guess will only cost
$1.00; while $5.00 will get you six guesses.  Each
guess should be in hours, minutes, and seconds.  The
current ETA to Midway is October 1st sometime around
1400.  NOTE: All guesses may be charged to your Ship
Store bill so you don't have to bring any money at this
time.  All proceeds go directly to the Ship Store fund
so purchase your guesses today.  Good luck.
Movies for this evening: (Both will start at 1730 and
again at 2000.)
* Duplex
* Jaws 2
                                  CDR Scott E. Kuester,
                                  Commanding Officer
Ship Logs

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