Hi`ialakai Plan of the Day
Cruise HI-04-01
Date: Sept 26, 2004 (Sunday)
0100 (1200-0400 Watch) Conduct CTD at station "PHReef"
at 27/40.0 N and 175/49.7 W. After cast, continue
transiting to Pearl and Hermes.
0730 Launch site near 27/51.0 N and 175/43.5 W.
* HI-1 - REA work at sites R26, R31, and R32.
* HI-3 - Tow team operations around southern area
of the reef.
0800 Transit to next launch site.
0850 - Launch site near 27/46.3 N and 175/49.0 W.
* HI-2 Mooring Team to deploy CREWS buoy, will
take anchor and tow buoy.
* HI-5 Education/Outreach will follow mooring
Mid-Day - Ship meets HI-3 near 27/46.8 N and 175/45.9 W
to change out equipment.
1600 to 1700 - Stagger the recovery of boats near the
second launch site. HI-5 should be back at 1600,
followed by HI-1 at 1625, then HI-2 at 1635, and HI-3
at 1640.
(refer to Night Ops sheet for locations)
1800 - 0000 Conduct towed camera TOAD stations around
Pearl and Hermes.
0000 - 0600 Conduct 2 CTD's east and west of Laysan in
> 500 m water.
Important Stuff:
Remember to change your clocks back 1 hour on Sept. 25,
Feel free to buy as much as you can at the ship's store
because...the three individuals with the largest tab at
the end of the cruise will earn a gift cert. to Best
Buy (must use by 12/04). The gift certs. are $20 for
biggest junk-food junkie, $10 for second, and $5 for
Movies for this evening: (Both will start at 1730 and
again at 2000.)
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen
Devil's Advocate
CDR Scott E. Kuester,
Commanding Officer