Hi`ialakai Plan of the Day 10/11
Cruise HI-04-01
Date: Oct 11, 2004 (Monday)
0000 - 0600 Conduct camera tows and CTD's per Night
Operations sheet
0730 Launch site near 26/00.45 N and 174/02.20 W
(order of launch)
* HI-3 - Tow team will conduct 5 tows around the
mid section of Neva Shoal.
* HI-1 - REA Team will visit sites R16, 16, and
* HI-2 - Mooring Team will conduct CTD casts around
Neva Shoal.
* HI-5 - Educational/Outreach Team will do 1 dive
with Middleton and Holzworth close to the
1000 HI-5 will rendezvous with HI-1. Middleton and
Holzworth will dive with REA team at site 16.
1230 HI-5 alongside ship to drop off Middleton and
Holzworth, pick up Suthers, then head back out to
rendezvous with HI-1 at REA site 17.
No mid-day equipment swap with HI-3
1600 Stagger the recovery of all boats near 25/55.9 N
and 173/58.4 W. HI-5 should be back at 1600,
followed by HI-1 at 1620, then HI-2 at 1630, and
HI-3 at 1640.
(Refer to Night Ops sheet for locations)
1800 - 2400 Conduct TOAD camera tows at stations around
Lisianski Island/Neva Shoal.
0000 Begin transiting to Mokumanamana (Necker Island)
562 nm.
A recommendation was made at the weekly fire drill
debrief to post suggestions for future drills.
The suggestions are:
* Place placards near doors to every space listing the
breakers that will secure electrical power and
* Ensure that hooks are installed at all interior and
exterior doors to hold them open.
* Install dedicated radios (qty-3) at suit-up locations
for each fire team.
* Each fire team member should carry wooden wedges to
be used for propping doors open.
Evening movies: (Both will start at 1730 and again at
* Day After Tomorrow
* Freaky Friday
CDR Scott E. Kuester,