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expeditions/May 2006/Days
3-4 FFS
3-4, Arriving at French Frigate Shoals
22-23, 2006
Dr. Malia Rivera

sea turtles mating at French Frigate Shoals - 90% of all
green sea turtles in Hawai'i nest at the atoll. See
article from 2002 expedition.
last, the seas are calm and everyone’s
stomachs are starting to settle down. After a rough start
in Nihoa, we spent the past 24 hours or so in transit, some
210 nautical miles northwest towards French
Frigate Shoals.
The night’s journey on NOAA Ship Hi‘ialakai ran
smoothly through these comparatively peaceful waters, and
the scientists
onboard, most not used to life on a ship, got a decent nights
sleep for the first time since we set off on May 18th.
morning the boatswain and crew successfully launched all
three day-boats, which they call “HI-1”, “HI-2”,
and the new 19-foot skiff from the NWHICRER Office, which
they refer to as “The Whaler”. It’s first
time in the NWHI and first deployment from Hi‘ialakai, “The
Whaler” had a perilous start, slightly overloaded at
first, but after a few minor adjustments, the team of four
researchers monitoring coral diseases set off for the reefs
of French Frigate Shoals.

Salerno sampling a lobe coral colony at French Frigate Shoals
I had the opportunity to accompany the coral reef and invert
genetics team to three different
sites of the atoll,
assisting graduate student Jennifer Salerno in collecting,
photographing and measuring two species of corals common
in the Hawaiian archipelago, Porites lobata and Pocillopora
meadrina, also known as the lobe coral and cauliflower
coral respectively. (Activity: test out your Hawai'i coral
ID skills
is working with her advisor back at the Hawai‘i
Institute of Marine Biology, Dr. Mike Rappé, on characterizing
the bacterial communities that live in the tissues of corals,
as well as in the water column above the coral reefs. Why,
one might ask? As with most organisms, corals harbor a bacterial
flora within the tissues of the polyps, much like the microbial
communities that we ourselves have in our own guts that help
with various physiological processes. The research Jennifer
and Dr. Rappé are doing, along with other graduate
students back at HIMB, is an attempt to characterize the
baseline bacterial flora present in healthy coral tissues
as well as in health-compromised coral tissues. Whether there
is a difference in the community profiles between these two
states may offer a predictive tool for what may cause a disease
outbreak and when or where such an outbreak could occur.
of this work involves the use of DNA technology, whereby
indicator genetic signatures will be obtained from the microbes
that can elucidate which species or types of bacteria are
found in corals. By comparing the microbial DNA sequences
from Hawaiian corals to a worldwide database on already identified
microbial types, Jennifer will be able to figure out just
what kinds of bacteria, and how much of it, is present in
healthy and diseased corals and in the surrounding water.
Dr. Iliana Baums and Erik Franklin are processing the
days coral samples to take back to the laboratory at
with the coral algal symbiont team and the disease monitoring
team onboard Hi‘ialakai, this work on coral
microbes will provide extremely valuable information on
how to better manage our precious reef resources.