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For Teachers

The final Teacher's Guide to Navigating Change has arrived! Click here for the curriculum, a five part video series and Kid Science shows associated with the Navigating Change project. Curriculum are standards-based lesson plans with activities.

Resources such as unit/lesson plans and activities developed by the 2005 NWHI "Boatload of Educators"!

Unit and Lesson Plans

Navigating Change Challenge Game

Teacher's Guide to Jean-Michele Cousteau's film Voyage To Kure(marine debris games, links, and lesson plans)

Moanalua Gardens Foundation - Exlporing the Islands Teacher's Guide and Schedule

The REEF Environmental Education Foundation Hawaii Fish ID Quiz

NOAA's Ocean Explorer put together some excellent lesson plans for Grades 5-12 during mapping and deep-sea expeditions to the NWHI in 2002. Click here to go to their site.

reefED - The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority has put together a wonderful education site full of activities and multimedia educational components about coral reef ecosystems. Click here to go to their site.

The Albatross Project - Wake Forest University put togther a site to track the amazing travels of Albatross around the world. Lesson plans and activites can be found here.

The Discovery Channel's Online Puzzlemaker

NOAA's Teacher at Sea Program. Now in its 12th year, the program has enabled more than 360 teachers to gain first-hand experience of science at sea. Teachers can enrich their classroom curricula with a depth of understanding made possible by living and working side-by-side, day and night, with those who contribute to the world's body of scientific knowledge.

Click on one of the links below for lessons about the subject.

Green sea tutles.  Click to see the lesson.Marine Biology - Green Sea Turtles
Coral reef.  Click to see the lesson.Marine Biology - The effect of pollutants on Corals.
Animation of island subsidence.  Click here for lesson on the life of an island.Geology - The life of an island
Net on coral.  Click here to see the lesson.Oceanography & Environment - Marine debris
Ecological assessment lesson. Click for lesson.Scientific Inquiry - Ecological Assessment

Talk About It!

Are Navigating Change videos available on DVD?

Asked by Renee on May 15, 2006.
Are you putting videos on DVDs?? If so how can I place an order- I will be teaching at Kamehameha this summer.

Answered by Dan from University of Hawaii on Jul 12, 2006.
The videos are on DVD as part of the Navigating Change curriculum. You need to attend a Navigating Change workshop to get the curriculum. But you may download the videos from this site at and burn DVDs yourself. You can also get other videos on the 2002 expedition at
Sorry about the delay in replying; we've fallen behind on some of the questions.

Click here to ask question about the topic of this page!Ask About It!

Navigating Change Educational Videos are now available!

Click here for more info.

Ann Bell, US FWS Educator with baby green sea turtle.

Bonnie Kahapea, teacher  at Halau Ku Mana public charter school.

Mark Heckman, educator, Waikiki Aquarium.

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