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NWHI Education 2005

Photos from the 2005 education voyage are here.

James Watt

All thumbnail images link to larger print ready images. These larger images are between 200 - 500 K. Please credit James Watt for all images.

Quicktime movie slideshowQuicktime Movie Slideshow of images taken in the NWHI during the 2002 NOWRAMP expedition. Images taken by professional wildlife photographer James Watt. (HUGE FILE - 39 MB, requires Apple QuickTime free viewer)


Dr. Dwayne Minton stares down a tiny lobster. Dr. Dwayne Minton, Invertebrate Biologist for the National Park Service, examines a tiny lobster collected during the NOWRAMP 2003 expedition.
Photo copyright James Watt. Read more here.



Acropora corals at French Frigate Sholas.Table corals, such as these Acropora are common at French Frigate Shoals, but absent in the main Hawaiian Islands. Photo copyright James Watt. Read more here.



Geen sea turtle rescue.Baby green sea turtles at French Frigate Shoals. These turtles, late hatchlings, are being helped on their way to the sea by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service volunteers at Tern Island. 90% of all green sea turtles in the Hawaiian Archipelago return to French Frigate Shoals to nest. Photo copyright James Watt. Read more here.


Limnologists at work.Phycologists, or algae scientists, recording data along a transect line at Neva Shoal. Photo copyright James Watt. Read more here.





USS Macaw sunk at Midway Atoll, 1944.The Northwestern Hawaiian Islands have a rich maritime history and many submerged cultural resources are yet to be documented. This image is of the USS Macaw, a sub-tender sunk at Midway Atoll in 1944. Photo copyright James Watt. Read more here.


Marae or stone images at Mokumanamana.At Mokumanamana, or Necker Island, these upright stones still remain in place from several hundred years ago when Polynesian visitors used these sites for spiritual or navigational purposes. Credit NOAA.Read more here.






Counting birds on Laysan Island.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biologists conducting a bird census on Laysan Island. The Northwestern Hawaiian Islands are one of the largest seabird nesting areas in the Pacific. Photo copyright James Watt. Read more here.


Poties lobata colony at Lisianski Island.Porites lobata coral colony at Lisianski Island. Roughly 70% of all coral reefs in U.S. waters are contained in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Many of these large coral colonies are ancient living organisms and as such are national treasures.

    Photo copyright James Watt. Read more here.


Talk About It!

More photos!

Asked by Carolyn on Oct 1, 2002.
Why doesn't your documentation team post photos in the photo page? We would like to see more of the scientists and educators and what they are doing.

Answered by the NOW-RAMP Crew on Oct 2, 2002.
Unfortunately we are severely limited by our bandwidth connection through the satellite, and sending large photos cannot be done. We will be posting pictures on the photos page after the exepedition returns to port. Until then, follow the journal and other articles, where new photos are posted every day!

Other scientific info.

Asked by behrooz from Tabriz university on Nov 9, 2003.
Please post more information on modeling in the NWHI.

Answered by Andy from NOAA on Dec 4, 2003.
Unfortunately we do not the information you are looking for but you may find other information at the following sites:

NOS Biogeography Program

Or the NWS National Center for Environmental Prediction

Where do coconut trees grow in the NWHI?

Asked by Dan from none on Nov 16, 2003.
How far north on the Island chain do coconut trees grow? I have seen pictures of them on the TV special when they talked about the Midway Atoll. Where does the tropic of cancer end? Which Islands are considered tropical and which Islands are considered sub tropical? Any info is appreciated. Thanks. Cordially Dan.

Answered by Ann Bell from USFWS on Dec 4, 2003.
The NWHI (except for Nihoa) are considered to be in a sub-tropical region. This region would lie just north of the Tropic of Cancer. The tropics lie between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, 23 1/2 degrees either side of the equator. Since the celestial sphere called the Tropic of Cancer lies just N of Nihoa, Nihoa is considered to be in the Tropics.

There are no coconut trees on Kure. There are many coconut trees on Midway because people brought them to the island to plant for ornamental purposes.

Volunteering at the NWHI Refuge

Asked by Eric from volunteer on Mar 1, 2004.
I would love to devote a month to help clean up the trash/pollution/nets that plague the NWHI. I s a program/grant available to do this? Please email me back and let me know the procedure is. I am willing to get myself to the islands but supporting myself while volunteering would be a challenge. Thank you
Eric Rollings

Answered by Paulo from UH on Mar 9, 2004.

It’s great to hear about your interest in volunteering in the NWHI. Unfortunately, there are no volunteer opportunities to do actual clean up. There is an active marine debris removal program, directed by NOAA, which has removed over 330 metric tons of debris from the NWHI since its conception in 1996. Most of the work involves removing fishing gear from the coral reefs, and is performed in the water, thus limiting the opportunities for non-staff.

However, if you’re still interested in doing some work for the refuge, and can afford to donate more time, there is a bird monitoring volunteer program which also includes terrestrial alien species eradication, assisting with radio communications, and habitat restoration. A four-month commitment is required, as well as relevant background that would help with duties. Transportation to the refuge, lodging (of course!) and meals are provided for all volunteers. If you are still interested, let us know, or you can contact the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in Honolulu directly.

Great Slides!

Asked by Scott on Mar 26, 2006.
Just wanted to say, whoever did the slideshow of the NW Hawaiian Islands did a fabulous job.

Answered by Paulo from University of Hawaii on Mar 26, 2006.
Thank you, Scott, for your words! I also enjoy watching them.

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